Constant drowsiness

Constant drowsiness is a very unpleasant condition, generating a feeling of fatigue and apathy, adversely affecting performance. The question of how to get rid of constant drowsiness, is especially relevant in the off-season, when immunity is reduced and a light day is short.

Causes of persistent drowsiness

A feeling of persistent drowsiness may result from:

In addition, the cause of drowsiness is sometimes unfavorable weather conditions, magnetic storms, prolonged stay in a poorly ventilated room and living in ecologically disadvantaged areas.

What to do if you are sleepy

Measures to eliminate persistent drowsiness will depend on the cause that led to the condition:

  1. When hormonal failure should seek help from a specialist who will identify what pathological changes occur in the endocrine system, and will appoint an appropriate hormonal correction.
  2. In case of a lack of vitamins, it is necessary to revise the diet, including more fresh vegetables and fruits, fish, and dairy products. In the autumn-winter period, the intake of vitamin-mineral complexes is recommended.
  3. To overcome vegetative-vascular dystonia, one should practice hardening, apply non-traditional healing methods ( yoga , use of special breathing techniques, etc.).

It is also important to adjust your daily routine, spending more time on sleep, more often in the fresh air. In the case of a long stay in the room it is necessary to provide periodic ventilation. It is advisable to conduct an active part of the day in bright rooms, while lighting can be both artificial and natural.