Activated charcoal for allergies

Unpleasant allergic reactions occur in response to the penetration of various stimuli into the human body. The main method of treating the disease is a rapid, intensive excretion of pathogens from the blood and mucous membranes. Activated charcoal for allergy is no less effective than popular antihistamines due to its sorption and detoxification properties.

Activated charcoal and allergy

As is known, upon contact with stimuli, a response of the immune system is formed. In the blood, the concentration of T-lymphocytes decreases, and the number of special protective cells-immunoglobulins such as A and E.-is increased. Thus, processes of natural cleansing of the organism from allergic pathogens are triggered, rashes appear on the skin, mucous membranes secrete more secretions. This manifests itself in the form of coughing, sneezing, runny nose and lachrymation.

Activated charcoal from allergies is recommended to take to facilitate the described mechanism. The porous structure of the treated carbonaceous compounds allows one to bind and retain even the smallest molecules of toxins and histamines, to excrete them from the body in a natural way. Due to the use of the drug, the volume of free immune cells is significantly reduced, and the concentration of T-lymphocytes increases. Moreover, the composition of the blood is normalized, which ensures that the clinical manifestations of allergy subsiding, alleviating the patient's condition, eliminating puffiness and signs of histamine intoxication.

Treatment with activated carbon for allergies

It should be noted that the allergy is still subject to complex therapy, coal is used only as a supplement to the main scheme as a medicine that reduces the toxic load on the body.

Doctors are also advised to take a course of prevention twice a year. For this, within 1-1.5 months, it is recommended to take the sorbent, especially during the period of the greatest risk of allergic reactions: from April to June. Such measures will help to reduce the intensity of clinical manifestations of the disease or completely avoid its recurrence.

It is important to remember that the absorbency of carbon is very high, and it binds not only the molecules of harmful substances, but also useful microelements, vitamins. Therefore, using activated charcoal against allergies, it is advisable during the therapy to additionally take vitamin preparations and biologically active additives capable of replenishing nutritional deficiencies.

Treatment with activated charcoal of drug allergy

Medications often play the role of histamines, because of which many people are not able to be treated by most pharmacy products. If the immune reaction does take place, allergists prescribe a course of sorbents, among which not the last place is occupied by activated charcoal.

In fact, medicinal irritants poison the body, provoking chemical reactions in the blood, leading to the formation of toxic compounds. The proposed drug allows for 2-3 days of admission to cleanse biological fluids as much as possible from free radicals, normalize the functioning of immunity.

Dosage of activated carbon for allergies

The daily number of tablets to be taken is taken from the calculation of 1 capsule per 10 kg of body weight. It is not necessary to drink them for 1 time, it is advisable to divide the total amount of coal by 2 or 3 admission.

To increase the effectiveness of the drug and accelerate its absorption, you can pre-crush the capsule and dissolve it in a small volume of warm water. The solution will enter the blood and tissues much more quickly.