Dysbacteriosis after antibiotics

With prolonged intake of antibiotics, there is a qualitative change in the normal microflora of the intestine and skin - dysbiosis, which is fraught with a violation of digestion, the development of various fungal diseases, inflammatory processes.

Dysbacteriosis of the intestine

The most frequent violation when taking antibiotics, since it is in the intestines that a large number of "useful" bacteria are concentrated. If the balance of these microorganisms is disturbed, a number of symptoms arise:

It should be remembered that in the initial stages of dysbacteriosis may not manifest itself in any way, but if you are undergoing antibiotic treatment, taking medications to prevent dysbacteriosis is necessary.

Dysbacteriosis of the vagina

Quite a frequent complication after taking antibiotics, because due to the violation of microflora, various pathogenic (primarily fungal) microorganisms begin to multiply actively. Candidiasis is developing, the common name is thrush.

Unlike dysbacteriosis of the intestine, for which often it is enough to take medications that restore normal microflora, this consequence of dysbacteriosis requires separate treatment, with the intake of not only various drugs for the restoration of microflora, but also antifungal drugs.

Treatment and prevention of dysbiosis

To avoid the development of dysbacteriosis, the intake of antibiotics should be combined with the intake of funds to maintain normal intestinal microflora. And one drug "Yogurt in capsules", which is the most popular, in this situation is really not enough. The most effective is a complex of probiotics bifidoform (or its analogues), lactobacillus and antifungal drugs (for example, nystatin). It should also be remembered that although the course of antibiotics is usually limited to 7-10 days, preparations for normalizing the microflora should be taken at least a month.

Treatment of dysbacteriosis, if preventive measures were not taken in advance, is no different from prevention, except that the course of treatment may be longer.

Antibiotics dysbacteriosis is not treated. Antifungal drugs can be prescribed, but not as a remedy for dysbiosis, but for fighting the diseases that have developed on its background.


To restore normal intestinal microflora, two groups of prebiotics and probiotics are used.

Probiotics are preparations containing living bifido- and lactobacilli used to "colonize" the intestine. Store these funds should be in a cool dark place, otherwise the living bacteria contained in them die and the medicine becomes ineffective.

In addition, before entering the intestine, probiotic capsules enter the stomach, and as a result, only 1 to 10% of the beneficial bacteria that survive survive by the action of gastric juice.

Prebiotics - drugs to stimulate the growth of its own microflora. Contain substances that are food for bacteria of the intestine and stimulate their reproduction. The storage conditions do not matter.

Thus, the course of treatment of dysbacteriosis should be complex and include not only preparations containing the necessary bacteria, but also preparations stimulating their production by the organism.