Pain in the liver

On pain, heaviness in the liver, nausea and bitterness in the mouth, you need to pay special attention, because the liver so appeals to you for help. It is necessary to understand what caused this indisposition. Pain in the liver leads to a large number of diseases, the most common of them are acute viral and chronic hepatitis. Less often abscesses and liver tumors occur.

Pain in the liver causes

The causes of pain in the liver can be functional and organic lesions of the liver. Functional lesions include:

The organic lesions include:

Also, the cause of pain in the liver may be irritation or pressure on the liver. It can be cholecystitis, gastritis, as well as irritable bowel syndrome.

Symptoms of pain in the liver

To understand that the unpleasant sensations are caused precisely by any disease of this vital organ, it is necessary to know the symptoms of pain in the liver. First of all, such reasons include gravity in the right lower hypochondrium.

If the pain in the liver is sharp, dull, pulsating or cutting, and also constant, aching, increases with physical exertion and lasts throughout the day, then you urgently need specialist advice.

If the malaise is caused by a liver disease, then the pain is transmitted to the back, it is accompanied by nausea, bloating, bitterness in the mouth. During liver disease, often the appetite disappears, heartburn, belching bitterness and vomiting. The main sign of acute hepatitis is jaundice.

Treatment of pain in the liver

To begin treatment, it is necessary to consult a specialist to establish the cause and prescribe a cure for pain in the liver. Do not self-medicate with pain in the liver. Medicines that are prescribed for pain in the liver, are divided into two groups - hepatoprotectors and cholagogue. The drugs of the first group are assigned to stabilize the membranes of the liver cells and protect them from destruction. Cholagogue funds are used to compensate for the lack of bile in the duodenum, which affects digestion.

Acute forms of hepatitis are treated by fighting the infection that caused the disease. The patient needs warming compresses and plentiful drink, acidic drinks are contraindicated. It is necessary to take care of the patient receiving a sufficient number of proteins, vitamin C. It is especially important to take hepatitis with cottage cheese, because it contains amino acids, which are necessary for fat metabolism of the liver.

Liver aches - folk remedies

Also there are folk remedies, which are used in cases when the liver hurts. But they need to be treated with caution, and it is best to consult a specialist. But in any case, it is necessary to take medicinal herbal remedies that stimulate the restoration of liver cells and increase bile secretion. When liver diseases are very useful flower honey, as well as for the use of decoctions of herbs and jam from burdock.