Patterned skid

In the modern world, a lot of pets are given a role. And the diversity of these same pets is off scale. You can keep a normal cat , rat, turtle , hamster and even a snake at home. The most common species among domestic snakes is a patterned skid.

To keep in captivity, this representative of climbing sticks fits in small sizes (up to 120 centimeters in length) and a bright variety of colors. The color of the snake varies from greenish brown to shades of yellow and even bright red. On the general background several (more often four) longitudinal strips of a lighter color are seen. There may be individuals with dark transverse spots.

Contents of a patterned skid

At home, the patterned skid will feel quite comfortable in a horizontal terrarium, the minimum size of which is 70x40x40. In order to avoid eating snakes each other keep them one by one in each terrarium.

Also in the terrarium should be installed capacity, replacing the pool slide. There he will drink, swim, and during the moulting season get wet. In addition, the presence of the pool will allow to maintain the necessary humidity level in the terrarium at all times. Ideally, it should be at least 60-70%.

As a bedding, use wood bark, small stones, large sawdust. Although you can do without even a primer. But the joy of your pet will bring the established in the habitat of the branch in order that the patterned skid can climb.

The standard temperature in different parts of the terrarium must be different. Create a snake warm and cold corners. Celsius temperature of the warm corner should fluctuate within 25-30 degrees, and the cold within 22-25 degrees. At night, the temperature regime is reduced within 5 degrees. Separation of temperature zones can be achieved by making a vent in one side of the terrarium (not forgetting to close it with strong material that lets in air) and setting additional heating in the other.

Care of the patterned skid

In addition to everything needed in the terrarium, there must be a small house or at least some shelter. That is the place where the patterned skid can hide. Warm the shelter corner with a cuvette with sphagnum. This will allow the snake to burrow at will.

Day heating should work during the entire daylight hours, standard for the patterned runner during his active life. This time is 12 hours. In this interval, at least once it is necessary to spray the terrarium from inside with heated water. Keep sphagnum constantly moist.

To know how to care for a patterned skid correctly, you need to learn as much information material about these snakes. With proper care your pet will please you with his presence for about 10 years. If the snake you have "since childhood," then the change of the seasons for her great importance will not have. Sufficient for shallow hibernation time will be a month. During this period, lower the temperature of the terrarium a little and do not feed your pet.

This type of snake is quite unpretentious in nutrition. Mice, chicks, small birds, smaller than the snake's snake. They can also eat amphibians (frogs or lizards, for example), fish, large insects. The snake prefers to strangle its prey first, then moistens it with saliva and swallows it head first. Of course, smaller specimens of skulls swallow still alive.