Characteristics of the Pug breed

Pugs are considered an ancient breed of dogs, which has become very popular in China and Europe. They were sincerely loved for cheerful disposition, nobility and great affection for the owner. So, what are the characteristics of the Pug breed and what should be considered when keeping them in the apartment? About this below.


The height at the withers is 25-33 m, weight - 5-8 kg. The head is large, in shape it should fit into the square. On the forehead there are characteristic deep folds, which according to the breed standard should be proportional. Eyes - round and expressive, ears - soft and drooping. The pug's body is compact, with a broad chest and short paws. The coat is short and smooth.

Features of the Pug breed

Separately it is necessary to note the nature of this breed of animals. Their main qualities are friendliness and a great love for the owner. Pugs playfully greet guests at the door, adore children and are ready to play with family friends for a long time. However, in the ordinary state they are quite phlegmatic and calm. His spare time this animal will happily spend on the couch or battery, tracking the movement of the owners of the apartment. Sometimes a pug has tides of energy, and at such times it turns into a hurricane that sweeps everything in its path. Pug is ideal for families with children, pensioners and youth.

However, in the characteristics of pugs there are not only pluses, but also minuses. Among the shortcomings can be noted the following qualities:

  1. Poor learning ability for teams. Because of their innate laziness and naivete, these dogs are very reluctant to train, so if you decide to make from it a clever "trickster", then you will have to try.
  2. Snoring and gassing . In view of this, it is better not to buy pugs for people with sensitive sleep and smell. Although, if you are in love with this breed, then the night snoring will seem to you real music.
  3. Moulting . Do not be misled by the short coat of an animal. It molts and very much!