Vaccines for dogs

Like the human cubs, the puppies in the first months of immunity strengthens the mother's milk, but further the body requires additional protection mechanisms so as not to get sick. To do this, all puppies are vaccinated with this or that drug and they do it strictly on schedule. And before that, it is better to limit walks with puppies.

Vaccine for dogs Nobivak

The scheme of vaccination with the drug Nobivac (Netherlands, Interve) is as follows:

Vaccine Eurican for dogs

Scheme of vaccination with the drug Eurikan (France, Merial):

Other vaccines for dogs

It is possible to vaccinate a dog from dermatomycosis with a vaccine for dogs Polivak-TM (Russia, Narvak). It is put twice with an interval of 10-14 days each year. And also vaccine for dogs Vakderm (Russia, Vetzverocenter) - twice a year with an interval of 10-14 weeks per year.

As a specific prophylaxis of infectious hepatitis and carnivorous plague, parainfluenza, leptospirosis, adenovyrosis and parvovirus enerytha , the complex vaccine Wangard (USA, Pfizer) is used for dogs. Puppies are vaccinated at 8 and 12 months of age. Revaccination is performed annually for 1 dose.