Kefir diet Yana Rudkovskaya

Diet is only a temporary, even more correct, short-term measure for getting rid of excess kilograms. Sitting on a diet, you need to realize that as soon as you return to the old errors, then immediately return and the lost kilograms. Therefore, use diets only to get rid of the preponderance, and in order to be in shape all year round, you need to competently monitor your diet.

It is the problem of preponderance that excites many women after childbirth. After all, the kilograms collected are not the result of gluttony, but only the expected physiological reaction of the organism. Misunderstanding of what to do with your new body and how to return the old forms lead to postnatal depression of millions of young mothers.

Perhaps, a good example is just what is needed to raise morale. In this case, we will tell you about a real soldier with excess weight after birth - Yana Rudkovskaya.


Yana Rudkovskaya is a well-known TV presenter and producer Dima Bilan. In addition, she is also the wife of the well-known figure skater Evgeni Plushenko. Nobody doubts that with such a social and personal life, one constantly has to watch for yourself.

Recently she gave birth to the first child, but the happiness of motherhood acquired the character of bitterness - these were Yana Rudkovskaya's thoughts about an urgent diet.

With an increase of 168 cm, Yana Rudkovskaya's weight was always enviable - 50 kg. After giving birth, the woman added 15 kg.

Together with a nutritionist, Rudkovskaya developed an individual diet based on the real elixir of youth - kefir. Yana Rudkovskaya sat down on the kefir diet almost immediately after she left the maternity hospital. And for the first week lost the cherished 5 kg.

Rules of the diet

As we have already said, the main product is kefir. The diet lasts 7 days, after which you either need to take a break, or simply

switch to a balanced, but low-calorie diet.

The first two days are the most severe. For 1.5 liters of kefir a day and nothing more. However, by the end of the second day, hunger subsides, the stomach gets used to a new diet.

The remaining five days of the diet after the birth of Yana Rudkovskaya consist of the following menu:

Between meals you need to drink 1 liter of kefir per day in total, and also drink plenty of still water. Portion of broth and chicken fillet - 300 grams. With the fillet you need to remove the skin, and the broth should be cooked from pure white meat


After a diet

How quickly Yana Rudkovskaya lost weight, still looks suspicious in the eyes of journalists and fans. A woman is suspected of surrogate motherhood, simply because no one can believe that losing weight so quickly is real.

Rudkovskaya herself explains everything simply - without will power on the diet can not do. She did not spare herself and immediately started to work on herself, sitting on kefir not only the base week, but all two months. And if a woman with such a working schedule was able to find strength in a hard diet, then they should be found in the mothers' home decree.

After all, kefir is a real treasure for those who lose weight. This sour-milk drink quenches the hunger, provides proteins, normalizes the intestinal microflora.

Well-known scientist and biologist Mechnikov for good reason believed that people grow old precisely because they do not drink kefir, or rather, because without kefir their intestines simply rot from unrouted remains of food.

In addition, kefir is especially useful to women after childbirth. Suddenly a changed hormonal background and a reorganizing body lead to constipation and stomach disorders. Kefir relieves of dysbacteriosis , detoxifies, and allows you to forget about problems with digestion.