Pepper "Cockatoo"

This article is entirely devoted to one of the largest and delicious hybrid varieties of Bulgarian pepper - "Kakadu F1". This variety can satisfy any culinary needs, it is equally good in salads, and for preparation of preserves, and for stuffing. After reading this material, you can learn about the characteristics of this variety and the secrets that will help to collect a rich harvest.

General information

The variety "Kakadu F1" is a sweet pepper with very large fruits that reach a weight of 500-550 grams and the length is up to 25-30 centimeters. Pepper color is rich red, the shape is cylindrical, slightly elongated and curved. The walls of the fruit are fleshy, reaching a thickness of 10 millimeters. This grade of pepper refers to the early, the harvest can be collected already in 105-110 days from the time of planting seeds in the ground. Heat-loving, is best suited for planting in warm regions. If the spring in your region is cold and late, then it is recommended to plant it in a greenhouse or under a film shelter. Before growing the pepper "Kakadu F1" should be responsible to choose a place for him in your garden. The seedbed, allocated for planting pepper seedlings, must necessarily be in the sunniest place. This plant does not tolerate solar "starvation", and immediately reacts to it with the withered, yellowed leaves. After a brief description of the pepper varieties "Kakadu F1" go to the section on growing seedlings from seeds, which will help to understand all the subtleties and avoid mistakes.

Sowing and growing seedlings

For sowing seeds, it is necessary to prepare the substrate in advance. It should include two thirds of garden soil fertilized with humus and a solution of ammonium nitrate , and one part of forest soil or a universal substrate. With this soil composition, the future seedlings can get all the necessary minerals and trace elements, which will help it to "painlessly" transfer the forthcoming transplantation to the open ground. For sowing seeds, experienced gardeners recommend using peat cups, preferably of medium size. The most suitable time for sowing is in the middle of March - early April. It is necessary to be guided in terms of planting on the basis that it is necessary to plant the seedlings no later than in two months. Seeds are sown in a wet soil mixture in two pieces (thus avoiding diving, which is very poorly tolerated by this crop). Shoots appear about one week later, after that it is necessary to take out the seedlings in a cool and sunny place (ideally an indoor balcony or winter garden). The first fertilizing of seedlings must be carried out after the first real leaf appears. To do this, we use a complex soluble fertilizer with the maximum amount of microelements. This solution for the first two months should replace watering with ordinary water. Adhering to this scheme of fertilizing, you can grow a really strong and strong seedling. In open ground pepper should be planted only in the middle of May - early June. Seedlings to this time must already have up to seven real leaves. For greater fidelity in the first week it is better to cover the seedlings on top with a film. This is a very important factor, because the presence of a constant comfortable temperature for the plant directly depends on the yield and the duration of its fruiting. For the variety "Kakadu F1" it is necessary to observe the scheme of landing 40x40 or 50x50, if you plant it more often, it will negatively affect the size of the fruits and yield.

If we add a favorable season and a bit of luck to our advice, then you are guaranteed to be able to collect a record harvest of delicious and very large pepper brand "Kakadu F1".