Why do eggplants turn yellow leaves?

Everyone who at least once grew aubergines in his garden knows how capricious these plants can be if the conditions for growth are not met. The main issue related to the cultivation of this culture of the Solanaceae family is why the leaves on the eggplant seedlings and in the adult plants turn yellow.

The leaves turn yellow on the eggplant, as in the period when the seedlings are not yet planted in the open ground, and during fruiting. And this yellowing bears an immediate threat to the plant as a whole, because after the yellowing, the leaf may fade and fall, and then the entire plant will die.

If you notice that the leaves turn yellow on the seedlings of the eggplants, this means a shortage of nutrients in the soil. After all, the eggplant is a very exacting plant with respect to trace elements, and as soon as there is a defect, the plant immediately reacts with yellowing of the leaves.

Preventive measures

In order to prevent this kind of trouble with seedlings, it is necessary to choose the right soil for sowing seeds. The earth should contain a balanced amount of trace elements and be rich in nitrogen and potassium. Acidic and alkaline earth substrates do not fit, like a simple vegetable garden. Even the worst option for planting the seeds of eggplant can be a primer with a high content of peat. But if there is no possibility to get a ready tested soil, then the earth from a wormhole becomes its excellent substitute. After all, as has long been known, this is a great start for any plant.

After the aubergines are planted in the open ground, after a couple of weeks they need to be supplemented with a nitrogen-containing complex fertilizer. This fertilizing should be done several times a season, in order to prevent the lack of getting this substance to the plant. Nitrogen supplementation should be alternated with top dressing with a potassium-containing complex, which also positively affects the plant as a whole and prevents yellowing of the leaves from the eggplant.

Unfortunately, there is also a situation where the yellowing of the leaves, especially the lower ones, is the first bell of such a serious disease as fusarium wilt. As in the case of yellowing of the leaves of seedlings, the onset of the disease is the same - the lower leaves become pale green, and then turn yellow, wither and fall off. After the leaf, the whole branch wilts. The disease affects the vascular system of the plant.

Fusarium wilt is a fungal disease that penetrates through infected soil to the roots of the plant and on the ascending strikes it completely. Another of the causes of the disease can be the use of seeds infected with this ailment. Then the plant grows already affected, and as a rule, at the beginning of fruiting, it dies.

Promotes the development of Fusarium wilt and weather conditions: if there is a hot weather and air temperature exceeds 28 degrees, this creates excellent conditions for the development of fungal spores.

In order to minimize the risk of any fungal disease of eggplants before sowing seeds, they must be etched in a solution of potassium permanganate and sowed in air-permeable soil. When plants are planted in open ground, Do not expose the roots, which are very easily traumatized, and it is necessary to do the transshipment of the plant.

For planting aubergines, a place on the site should be chosen solar without the possibility of water stagnation. After each watering, which should be carried out regularly, you need to loosen the ground, because the lack of oxygen is harmful to the root system. It is also necessary to adhere to the crop rotation and not plant the eggplant after the nightshade, changing the place annually. To prevent the disease, Trichodermine is added to each well, and if a disease is found, the diseased plant is removed, and the remaining ones are sprayed with Falcon.