How does the dollar tree blossom?

Dollar tree, or zamiokulkas - a beautiful evergreen houseplant with bright glossy leaves-feathers. The small light flowers of the dollar tree are rather plain-looking and collected into the cob-the inflorescence, characteristic of all the aroids. Outside, the cob, which has a short, thick flower stem, is covered with a peculiar light green coverlet - a modified leaf that has a length of up to 8 cm. Therefore, the flower is hardly visible among the green foliage of the plant. In its place subsequently formed burgundy berries.

A characteristic feature of the colors of the dollar tree is that the flowers are all different-sexed and in the cob-tail are separately: from the bottom - female, from above - male, and between them are sterile flowers. This structure of the cob of the zmioculcus excludes self-pollination of the flower. As a rule, a dollar tree blooms very rarely, and a flower lives for a week.

How often does the dollar tree blossom?

Some growers believe that a dollar tree can blossom at home only at adulthood. However, occasionally there are young plants that have blossomed because the owners created especially favorable conditions for them, so you need to know how to look after the dollar tree . The dollar tree blossoms most often at the end of winter, in February. Occasionally the plant can bloom and twice a year.

Care of the houseplant dollar tree

Zamiokulkas is considered a shade-tolerant plant, so you can keep it on the northern window. However, for a dollar tree to blossom, it is necessary to provide it with sufficient lighting, placing it on the south or east side.

Since the dollar tree is also drought-resistant, it is important to observe the correct watering regime of the plant. You can not "pour" the flower, because it can just die. Water it with warm, steady water.

During the vegetation period, it is necessary to fertilize zamiokulkas with fertilizers for succulents. Once a year a dollar tree needs a transplant .

If you purchased a plant, you will be interested in learning about the signs and superstitions about the dollar tree .