Peppermint - application

Peppermint was known to our distant ancestors, they considered it one of the best medicinal herbs. And today a refreshing, tonic plant is widely used not only in cooking, but also in medicine and cosmetology.

Useful properties of mint

Peppermint is an analgesic, vasodilating agent. This amazing plant is known as a good medicine for the stomach: it improves digestion, eliminates nausea, heartburn, and pain. Mint works very well when it is necessary to calm down, to restore sleep. The grass is brewed with inflammatory and catarrhal diseases, it is used even in gynecology.

The use of peppermint in medicine is very wide: drops, tablets, ointments, oils and other substances safely and favorably act on the body, returning to the system various organs.

Application of peppermint grass

To quickly get rid of colds, pour 1 tablespoon of herb with boiling water and take the broth 4-5 times a day in a warm form. You can also do inhalations with mint oil. Such treatment is effective for bronchitis, pharyngitis, angina.

Application of peppermint leaves with headache: just ripped leaves attach to the frontal and temporal parts of the head. You can also insist mint on vodka or cologne and make compresses. In order to calmly fall asleep, forget about the day's problems, you need to make a soft tea with mint leaves and drink it in a serene setting.

The use of peppermint tincture is effective for nausea, neurological diseases. To prepare the medicine, you need to cut the leaves, pour them with alcohol and insist 1-2 weeks in a dark place. Tincture should be taken 8-13 drops before meals. A good soothing and restorative result gives the use of peppermint oil. Add 5-7 drops of oil to the bath and enjoy a pleasant smell and good effect. Such a procedure will increase the tone of the body, throw away harmful bacteria and microbes, help to forget about stress. In addition, over time, the skin will become more taut and beautiful. Before using the essential oil of peppermint, it is necessary to read the instructions. Overdose can lead to unpleasant results: drowsiness, apathy or, conversely, excessive excitability.

Application of peppermint in cosmetology

With the help of this herb, you can make the fat skin matte and narrow the pores. To make a lotion, you need to take a couple of spoons of mint, pour boiling water, insist, cool and wipe this face daily. This lotion can be frozen and applied to the fading skin to give it tonus. It is suitable for the ages: cool the infusion, moisten them with a cotton disc and attach to the eyes. Improve the complexion will help infusion of mint mixed with cucumber juice (50 ml) and decoction of parsley (50 ml).

Peppermint will help even tired and foggy legs. Brew mint, cool the broth and hold your legs in it. If you repeat this procedure constantly, then you will save yourself not only from excessive sweating, but also prevent the risk of fungal diseases. And even that your mood will go up, it's not even worth talking about.

The broth can be added to the bath - then the immunity will tell you many thanks. Do not forget that mint is not only useful, but delicious. Put the leaves in salads, add when cooking meat, vegetables, cocktails. Sweet dishes will acquire a unique taste and aroma with mint.

Mint grows on the whole planet, it can even be grown in a pot on the windowsill, so do not be lazy - take care of yourself and become even more beautiful, healthier and more positive!