Zizifus - useful properties and contraindications

Zizifus is an exotic plant that grows on the territory of Asia, Australia, Europe and Japan. It tolerates low temperatures well and, in fact, is unpretentious, which allows experienced growers to grow it on their plot or in a pot of the house. Gives zizifus fleshy fruits of round or ovoid shape, which are not only tasty, but also useful. The medicinal properties are not only berries of the ziphysus, but also leaves, seeds and bark, which are used in the recipes of traditional medicine. They include acids, sugars, vitamins, amino acids , trace elements, and other substances.

How useful is the zysofus?

Fruits are used fresh, and also from them, leaves and bark make broths and infusions, allowing to improve a condition of an organism, influencing various bodies and systems of an organism.

Useful properties of fruit of jusus:

  1. The composition includes a lot of ascorbic acid , so the fruits contribute to strengthening immunity. They have an anti-inflammatory effect, which makes it possible to use zyzifus for the prevention of colds.
  2. Contained vitamins are important for the full functioning of the body, and minerals contribute to the normalization of metabolic processes.
  3. The extract, prepared on the basis of seeds, as well as fruits, favorably affect the nervous system and brain activity. Due to this, a person copes better with nervous and physical overstrain, as well as with insomnia.
  4. Due to the presence of organic acids, the fruit restores the acid-base balance.
  5. Included in the composition of flavonoids, fight against the negative effects of free radicals, which promotes the rejuvenation of the body.
  6. Useful properties of the berries of the zysofus are associated with the presence of pectins and its laxative effect, which has a positive effect on the activity of the intestine. That's why berries are useful to people who are prone to constipation. Fiber removes from the body toxins and toxins, as well as harmful cholesterol.
  7. With the use of berries, you can replenish the stores of iron and phosphorus in the body, which allows you to improve blood circulation. In addition, the zyzifus perfectly cleanses the blood of toxins. The composition of the fruit includes rutozide - a substance that increases the elasticity of capillaries and resists clotting of blood.
  8. The bark of this plant has a strengthening effect, so the broth, cooked on its basis, is used for diarrhea.
  9. Useful properties of the leaves of the Crimean or other varieties of zysofus are associated with the presence of an antihypertensive and expectorant action. In addition, they contribute to the regulation of the heart rate.
  10. Berries are used to combat dermatological problems. Ointments and decoctions prepared on the basis of a plant are used to accelerate the healing process of wounds, including purulent, as well as abrasions and cuts.
  11. Decoction, cooked on the basis of fruits, is used to wash the head, which will reduce the risk of alopecia.
  12. Fruits are recommended if the level of sugar in the blood is increased, since the composition includes natural insulin.

In addition to useful properties of ziphysus, it is necessary to know and contraindications, so that treatment does not cause harm. You can not eat berries for people who have suffered a hypertensive crisis. Contraindicated with this plant hypertensive patients. It is necessary to be cautious with a ziphysus to be allergic, and also to people with an individual intolerance to this product. You can not eat berries pregnant and breastfeeding women. If you eat a large number of fruits, then the perception of taste buds can be distorted. Do not give ziziphus to children under five.