Green borsch with spinach

Green borsch , in fact, has little in common with the borscht that we are accustomed to. This name was given to this first dish by the people, but in reality it is not borsch at all, but a simple soup based on summer greens, mainly spinach and sorrel. Often, such a dish served with boiled eggs or add meat, but since the dish is still summer, the latter option is extremely rare.

How to cook a green borsch with spinach and sorrel?



My potato, clean and cut in any convenient way. Boil the sliced ​​tubers in the broth for 10 minutes. Meanwhile, grind the onion and rub on a large grater carrot. Pass the vegetables in vegetable oil for about 5-7 minutes. Passerings are also sent to the broth.

Spinach and sorrel and dry it. We cut greens straws of medium thickness, then add it to the broth. After 5 minutes, remove the pan from the fire and leave the green borscht infused for 10-15 minutes. To taste, we season the dish with salt and pepper.

Eggs boil hard. We pour borsch on plates, put egg on top and add a spoonful of sour cream.

If you want to prepare a summer green borsch with spinach in a vegetarian version - replace the broth with vegetable or simply pour the water.

Recipe for green borscht with spinach



Melt butter in a saucepan and fry on it chopped onions. Spinach cut into large straws and put in a frying pan to the onions. We let the greens a couple of minutes after which we shift the contents of the frying pan into a blender, add salt, pepper, nutmeg and beat the spinach, gradually adding the broth. If desired, boiled potatoes, carrots, leeks or other greens can be added to the blender. Return the mixture to the stove. Milk is mixed with flour and pour the mixture into the soup on the stove. We bring the contents of the pan to a boil and remove from the plate.

Boil the eggs hard, cool, clean and cut in half. We serve a green borsch with eggs in a warm or cold form.