The role of vitamins in human life

The role of vitamins in human life and nutrition can not be overestimated. What now seems natural and is known even to children, 100 years ago was perceived as hostile. The existence of vitamin was scientifically proven only in 1911, and scientists who made these discoveries received the Nobel Prize.

The physiological role of vitamins

Vitamins are the irreplaceable substances that enter our body with food or with a variety of food additives. They do not carry any energy value, but they are necessary to man just like proteins, fats and carbohydrates. In the absence of a sufficient number of vitamins, pathological changes in the body begin, which in fatal cases can lead to a fatal outcome. Actually, so it was - about 200 years ago, many sailors died of scurvy, which is nothing more than a lack of vitamin C. It is widely known that in the soldering of British sailors since the end of the 18th century there are citrus and other sources of vitamin C to prevent outbreaks of the disease. Therefore, the physiological role of vitamins in human life can not be underestimated.

Most vitamins are not produced by the human body, but must come from outside with food. Vitamins regulate many physiological processes, their lack becomes the cause of rickets in children, impaired vision, nervous disorders and other unpleasant diseases.

The role of vitamins in nutrition

Unfortunately, modern products do not contain enough vitamins and nutrients. Most of them do not accumulate in the body and are required constantly, every day. Vitamins are divided into fat-soluble (A, E, D - which can accumulate in the body) and water-soluble (B, C and others, which need to be replenished every day). Vitamin B is responsible for the beauty of the skin, nails and hair, as well as for the normal functioning of the nervous system and the burning of subcutaneous fat. Therefore, its lack is catastrophic for most women. Vitamin C responsible for immunity, for the resistance of cells to infections and viruses. Therefore, in order to protect themselves from disease, it is necessary to constantly maintain its adequate level.

The role of vitamins A and E for humans is huge - they are responsible for regenerative functions, have a great potential of antioxidant protection and protect cells from free radicals.

Therefore, today every person who cares about his health should be concerned about the role of vitamins and micronutrients in nutrition. And also about how to diversify your diet and provide yourself with the necessary substances.