Mandala for attracting money

There are many different ways to improve financial position and attract cash flow. Mandalas, sacred signs, symbolize harmony and unity. There is a huge number of similar drawings with a different energy. There are universal options, and also each person can independently draw such amulet.

How does the mandala work to attract money?

Complex, consisting of a huge amount of detail, the drawing carries a huge emotional load, and all thanks to a combination of colors and images. Esotericists claim that if you look at symmetrical repeating lines for a long time, then you will fall under their hypnosis and magical effect.

The money mandala can work in several ways:

In the work with the monetary mandala, seclusion is of great importance, that is, you need to sit in a relaxed atmosphere, sit in a comfortable position and keep an image before you. To look it is necessary under such scheme: from an edge of drawing clockwise it is necessary to move to the center where it is necessary to make a break. In some cases, there may be some discomfort, but when the eyes get used, the muscles will relax and the drawing will take consciousness. It is necessary to listen to your own feelings and to the reactions of the body. The first session should last at least 5 minutes, and then the time can be increased to several hours. If there is a feeling of fatigue, then work should be stopped. Such sessions are conducted every day until the desired result is achieved.

The mandala of prosperity awakens the need for transformation and activity. Esoterics indicate that if a person does not work and move towards his goal, nothing will come of it. It is recommended to place a magical image in your office on a wall or on a table, the main thing is that it always be before your eyes.

The mandala of money has the power to help a person make the right decision in money matters. To do this, you need to clearly formulate the question and concentrate your attention on the center of the picture. Then ask the question again and look at the mandala. In general, you need to repeat the request 3-5 times with a break of 10-15 minutes. Approximately an hour later, the right decision will come to consciousness, and it will be much easier to make an action plan. Another option to get an answer to the question is to mentally formulate the petition and hand over the mandala of wealth and prosperity almost touching it. After a while in the head there will be images that will help to achieve success.

For effective work of the mandala, you need to use money mantras . They allow you to activate energy that attracts cash flow. The most effective and popular is the mantra of Ganesha - the god of prosperity and wisdom. A popular mantra for attracting cash flow:


To pronounce it should be in a low voice, clearly and on inspiration.

How to create a mandala of wealth?

You should start with a meditation session. To begin with, you need to relax as much as possible, and then concentrate on your desire. It is important to present the desired image as clearly and clearly as possible. Choose any of the blanks below and paint it, since this process activates the energy and allows you to achieve the desired result. It is important to pick up money colors, for example, all shades of green and gold. The finished drawing can be stored in a purse or placed in the workplace.