Photodynamic therapy in gynecology

Photodynamic therapy took a strong position in gynecology. It is an effective modern method of treatment, which is based on processes that allow destroying harmful cells by accumulating a special substance in them, a photosensitizer that later interacts with absorbed light. This substance acts selectively and accumulates only in cells with pathology, destroying them in this way.

Indications for use

The main gynecological diseases in which photodynamic therapy is usually performed are:

As can be seen from the main indications for the use of photodynamic therapy, this method has proved itself in the treatment of cervical dysplasia .


The use of this type of treatment is widely used in the fight against background and precancerous processes of the cervix. The main advantages are:

  1. The photosensitizer accumulates selectively, exclusively in tissues having pathology, which makes it possible to easily control the area and depth of exposure.
  2. When performing manipulations related to photodynamic therapy, pain sensations are absent.
  3. After several sessions, the beginning of marginal epithelialization is already observed, that is, the restoration of the affected tissues occurs rather quickly.
  4. In this type of procedure, scar tissue does not form, which allows this type of therapy to be performed among nulliparous women.
  5. After the photodynamic therapy, relapse does not occur.
  6. Photodynamic therapy has virtually no side effects. Sometimes only a reaction to individual intolerance of the drug can be observed.

What is the procedure?

Photodynamic therapy is started in the first phase of the menstrual cycle, that is, up to 9 days. Typically, the role of photosensitizer performs the drug Photoditazine. It is absolutely non-toxic, perfectly soluble in water, stored at room temperature. In the treatment of hyperplastic disorders of the endometrium, the drug is administered intravenously, drip. Pre-Phototitazine is diluted with saline and injected into the body of a woman 2 hours before the procedure.


The main contraindications for photodynamic therapy are: