Uterine bleeding with hormonal failure

The normal balance of sex hormones in the body of a woman plays a key role in regulating the menstrual cycle. Violation of the amount or ratio of these hormones in the body leads to the appearance of uterine bleeding . More details about the causes and treatment of uterine bleeding during hormonal failure, we will talk in our article.

Causes of hormonal disorders in women

There are a number of reasons for the imbalance of sex hormones in a woman's body. They include:

The management of patients with hormonal bleeding

When you go to a doctor, women with bleeding in each individual case will have an individual trip. A woman with intermenstrual uterine bleeding will be offered a procedure for treatment and diagnostic curettage of the uterine cavity. A teenage girl will not be offered such treatment. In this case, they can assign tests to determine the level of hormones and prescribe hormone tablets. After a medical abortion, a woman should be warned that her normal menstrual cycle will not be restored until 6 months later.

Thus, the problem of hormonal uterine bleeding is relevant for young girls, women of reproductive age and women who entered the pre-menopausal period. Treatment of hormonal disorders in each case should be decided by a specialist individually.