Uterine bleeding - treatment

By its nature, bleeding from the uterus is an alarming sign, indicating the presence of serious gynecological diseases. Treatment of uterine bleeding , as a rule, consists of a set of measures that reduce or stop blood loss, normalize the cycle of menstruation or completely stop them. Only in very serious cases, if the disease is not amenable to treatment with hormonal medications or conventional medicines, it is necessary to do a scraping of the mucous membrane of the walls of the uterus.

What to do with uterine bleeding?

If a woman marks a large discharge of blood from the genital tract, which began suddenly, you should immediately call an ambulance. If this is not possible, you should try to get to the gynecological department on your own and get emergency help with uterine hemorrhage, which will be provided by qualified doctors. It is reduced to injections of hemostatic and reducing agents, the introduction of tampons, impregnated with the necessary medicines or emergency curettage.

First aid in uterine hemorrhage at home

Before the arrival of a doctor, it is necessary to take a set of measures that can stop bleeding and will promote further effective treatment. A woman needs to be laid on a flat and firm horizontal surface, put a pillow under her feet, a hot-water bottle with cold water or a packet of ice is put on her stomach. In no case should you warm up the lower abdomen or make any compresses. Do not also throw away diapers and sheets that are put under the woman, this will enable the doctor to assess the degree of blood loss and correctly determine how quickly to stop the uterine bleeding. It is very important to strictly follow this simple instruction, which will facilitate the prompt recovery of the patient.

Hemostatic agents in uterine bleeding

After the doctor makes all the necessary manipulations to establish the cause of bleeding and will provide the first urgent help, a woman is prescribed medications to stop the loss of blood and eliminate her underlying cause. In gynecological practice, Oxytocin is widely used in uterine bleeding, which causes the muscles of the uterus to contract more intensively. Enter it intramuscularly, in the dose that the doctor appointed. However, if there is a threat of rupture of the uterus, then the use of the drug is strictly prohibited.

With great success, Vikasol is used in uterine bleeding, which increases blood coagulability and prevents bleeding. The main substance of the drug takes part in a variety of processes occurring in the body, improves blood circulation and blood repair.

Folk remedies for uterine bleeding

It is worth recalling that any attempt to treat bleeding from the uterus yourself, can be fraught with your health. Therefore, everything must be coordinated with your doctor. A very popular folk remedy is nettle with uterine bleeding, which can be taken as a decoction made by one's own hand, or in the form of a pharmacy extract. It has a soft contractile effect on the uterus and helps to cleanse it from clots of blood.

The following herbs are also used for uterine bleeding:

Basically, these drugs to stop uterine bleeding are taken in the form of broths and pharmacy tinctures, and the naturalness of the product does not mean that you do not need to comply with their strict dosage.