Why does my stomach hurt with menstruation?

Judging by the horrific statistics that medical sources lead, a rare woman lives life without learning about premenstrual pain. And some have such a terrible stomach pain with menstruation, that these unhappy women are not even able to work normally, or even just lead a normal lifestyle.

Let's define at the beginning, where usually the abdomen with monthly pains. As a rule, this is the lower part of the abdomen, and pain can be given in the lower back, the sacrum, the pelvic bones. Often the spasms also affect the intestines. And the pain can begin both for 1-2 days, and for several hours before the onset of menstruation. And it can drag on until the very last day. Sometimes the stomach hurts so much that a woman is forced to live on menstruation on painkillers, and even begin to receive them in advance.

Why does the abdomen hurt with menstruation?

Physicians point to this symptom in a number of others with dysmenorrhea. Do not be fascinated by the sweet sound of this diagnosis - it is difficult enough to treat, which in turn has many contraindications and side effects. In addition, doctors are still investigating the causes of these painful sensations and are looking for effective ways to deal with them. Of course, there are many different reasons for the appearance of pain in the lower abdomen, but its regular and cyclic appearance with the menstruation, most likely, indicates dysmenorrhea. Physicians distinguish two of its varieties - primary and secondary.

It is believed that in the first case, the pains in the lower abdomen during menstruation are associated with a change in the hormonal background. If after the ovulation pregnancy has not come, then the mechanism of preparation of the female organism for the monthly starts. As a result, complex and interrelated processes lead to an increase in the level of the prostaglandin hormone. That's it, he leads the uterus into tone, sometimes so excessive that with the months, not only does the stomach ache, but the appetite also disappears, the head hurts, the stomach becomes upset, nausea and dizziness appear, the temperature rises. Therefore, the treatment uses drugs that affect the hormonal background and are designed to regulate the production of the body is prostaglandin.

In the case of the so-called secondary dysmenorrhea, the abdomen is painful during menstruation due to endometriosis or some inflammatory diseases or transferred earlier, or proceeding precisely at this moment. It is much easier to find the cause of such painful sensations, but it is impossible to get rid of them without healing the underlying ailment that provoked pain. If the stomach hurts at the end of the month, it is all the more important to check in time and exclude the presence of severe inflammation.

The abnormally painful course of menstruation can also be a consequence of severe labor, numerous abortions, injuries, surgeries, infectious and viral diseases.

Another reason why the abdomen hurts with menstruation is called a rather popular contraceptive - the intrauterine device.

Pain during menstruation is not inevitable!

What can one do to experience these monthly difficulties normally and not even to think about it, but does the abdomen hurt with menstruation?

Councils, as a rule, boil down to the conduct of a healthy lifestyle. First of all say "no" to alcohol, smoking, coffee! Do not wear weights. Dress in the weather, do not overcool. Be sure to find time to relax. And active or at least regular exercise - just necessary. Let it be running or swimming - it does not matter! Choose the kind of sport that classes will bring you not only health, but also a good mood, a sense of joy. If active sports are not for you, perhaps the best solution in your case is yoga.

Now also very popular are oriental and other primordially female dances. You can always choose the direction that best suits your taste, temperament and intensity. And this is not only a load, but also a pleasant pastime, interesting acquaintances, an opportunity to discover a new world. And the enthusiastic eyes of a beloved man, admiring your flexible camp and refined dance, will be the best reward in addition to health!