Photorejuvenation of the face

The method of facial photorejuvenation in cosmetology consists of three stages.

At the first stage the dermatologist-cosmetologist examines the skin of the patient and selects the type of light exposure depending on the age, defects, skin color. It is also determined which photo-rejuvenation will be, deep or shallow, the time of the session and what interval between procedures it will be necessary to do.

At the second stage, the skin is prepared for light exposure. For example, soft peeling with fruit acids can be done.

The procedure itself is practically painless, only a tingling sensation is felt. But for patients with sensitive skin, an anesthetic gel can be applied. Some modern devices for photorejuvenation already have a cooling system to ensure painlessness.

At the main stage, the patient will need to wear dark glasses. Photorejuvenation is a non-contact procedure in which the glass surface of the nozzle is brought to the treatment zone and a light pulse is applied. The mechanism of the procedure is based on the ability of light rays to be absorbed by the melanin of the skin and the hemoglobin of the vessels. The duration of one session of photorejuvenation is about 7 - 10 minutes. The course of photorejuvenation includes up to 7 procedures with an interval of up to a month.

A wide range of light is used for the procedure. The wavelength of light radiation can vary, which makes it possible to change the effects (modes) for different layers and types of skin. The light range of 660 nm activates the production of collagen in the skin cells, which gives the effect of tightening the skin. The upper tissues, which were exposed to light, are removed due to the natural processes that take place in the body. In their place appears updated, beautiful and elastic skin.

Indications for photorejuvenation

Procedures for photorejuvenation are shown at any age, even in young people with skin defects.

The scope of the procedure is as follows:

  1. It is used for wilting the skin, reducing tone, with fine and medium wrinkles. Indication is also dry skin, which has lost elasticity. As a result of photorejuvenation, skin of the face is tightened, wrinkles are smoothed, including "crow's feet".
  2. Photorejuvenation is used for couperose and rosacea. A much greater energy of light is required here. Another type of energy is used, which does not heat the blood vessels, but contributes to their coagulation and destruction. However, not all visible vessels are removed in this way; Phototechnology is designed for a certain depth. If the vessels are located lower, the light flux can not reach them. But all the same, in comparison with other methods, this is the most effective one.
  3. Photorejuvenation copes with the problem of pigmentation. Because pigment spots contain melanin, then the same type of filter is used as in photoepilation. Pigmented spots are clarified after the first procedure, and after the second, most of them disappear completely.
  4. Photorejuvenation helps to significantly narrow the enlarged pores and cure pink acne, solves the problem of increased fat content of the skin.
  5. Correction of complications and skin regeneration after plastic operations and polishing.

Contraindications to photorejuvenation of face:

One week before and after the procedure, you can not sunbathe, and then you should use sunscreen. Within three days after photorejuvenation, the bath and the pool are contraindicated.