Pickled boletus for the winter

Podisinovik is one of the most popular species of mushrooms, often used by housewives for winter stocks. This is not surprising, because the taste of pickled boletus prepared for winter - excellent. Following the recommendations and following the recipe below, any novice cook will easily cope with this delicious way of storing mushrooms.

Preparing the boletus for pickling is a responsible process, since the quality of the billet and the shelf life of the mushrooms depend on it. Before you master the recipes for preparing pickled mushroom pickled mushrooms for the winter, we will get acquainted with the technology of harvesting:

  1. We use only fresh mushrooms, thoroughly cleaned and washed in running water, as the quality of the billet depends on this.
  2. With any method of marinating, mushrooms are cooked about 20 minutes before the purity of the broth, and the readiness of the mushrooms is monitored by settling to the bottom of the dishes.
  3. We fill the jars with workpieces to the edges so that mold does not form. Consider the recipes for how to properly pickle the boletus for the winter.

How to pickle the boletus for the winter in a hot way?

Podosinoviki marinate in many different ways, one of these ways of marinating is hot or boiled. This technique is used in a hot time, when mushrooms quickly deteriorate.



Clean mushrooms with a soft napkin, if necessary - cut into pieces. In boiling water, add sugar, spices and place mushrooms. Cook the boletus, stirring, taking off the foam. After half an hour pour into the marinade vinegar and cook for 5-7 minutes. Hot marinade with mushrooms pour over sterile jars and roll. Inverted cans wrap, and after cooling move the stock to storage.

Pickled boletus for the winter in cans without sterilization - recipe



Wash contaminated mushrooms thoroughly with running water. Place the boletus in salted boiling water and cook for 10 minutes, taking off the foam. In a separate container prepare marinade: in hot water dissolve sugar, salt, add spices and boil all 10 minutes. Add the previously cooked mushrooms to the marinade and soak the preform no more than 20 minutes. Arrange the pickled boletus over sterilized jars, pour hot marinade, adding vinegar. Before rolling, pour boiled vegetable oil into the billets to increase the shelf life of the mushrooms. Wrap the wrapped cans and then store them in a cool place.

Pickled boletus - a recipe for the winter with vinegar



Pre-rinsed, worm-eaten and contaminated mushrooms place in boiling salted water, add onion and pepper. Cook the mushroom marinade for 20 minutes, stirring constantly and taking off the foam. At the end of the marinade, add the vinegar, check for salt and pour the preform over the sterilized container. Closed banks lids wrap, and after cooling, transfer to storage.