Melon for the winter

A tender pulp, an excellent aroma, juiciness and sweetness is all about her, the queen of melon. Melon is sometimes criticized for its "heaviness" and "aggressiveness," but criticism is groundless. If we confine ourselves to a couple of slices of a juicy melon, it will be only good. Tell you what you can make from melon for the winter.

Cheap and easy

If you do not want to spend money on blanks, it's easier and cheaper to prepare dried, dried or frozen melon. To dry it, cut the fruit in half, take out the seeds, cut into slices and distribute them on a baking sheet. It is better to cover the pan with parchment. Dry the melon in the oven according to the standard scheme: 20 minutes at 180 degrees, then wait for the oven to cool down, then dry the oven for another half an hour on low heat. Diced slices covered with gauze and leave to dry on the table in the kitchen or on the veranda for a couple of days.

It's easier to freeze a melon. Peeled slices cut into small cubes, lay out a thin layer on polyethylene and place in the freezer. Frozen pieces are poured into plastic containers or small bags, tightly packed and stored in the freezer. As you can see, to freeze a melon for the winter is as simple as, for example, a peach or a cherry.

Jam from melon

We'll tell you how to cook jam from a melon for the winter according to the basic recipe. It can be supplemented with ingredients to your taste, for example, lemon, vanilla, almonds.



We divide the melon - cut into thin slices, remove the seeds, cut the peel, trying to keep the flesh without noticeable fibers that come across the skin, shredding in thin slices or cubes. Boil a small amount of water in a saucepan with thick walls and blanch our melon for 4-5 minutes, placing it in a colander. We transfer it to a cauldron or a basin. Cook the syrup and pour them our pieces. We sustain all together before the complete cooling, and better - 8-10 hours. Now you can boil melon in syrup, adding acid or lemon juice. Brewed melon jam quickly. After a quarter of an hour, put it in sterilized jars and roll it up.

If melons are small, your option is melon in syrup, for the winter this delicacy is prepared in the same way, but for 2 kg of melon we take 3 kg of sugar and 3 liters of water. It turns out a great treat, in color and consistency resembling honey.

If the melon is in a rush

Conservation of melons for the winter - a process that allows you to include imagination to the fullest. If melons in the garden are over, it does not matter - we cook jam for the winter, recipes can be used different, we will give the base.



Mine melons, cut into halves, take out the core and peel the peel. Ripe melon is soft, it can easily be blended with a blender or food processor. Pour sugar in the mashed potatoes and start to cook. Of course, stir, so that the jam does not come to the bottom. After half an hour, add vanilla and cinnamon. If you do not want to break the melon flavor, you can do without additives. Jam is ready when he stops spreading over the saucer. If you want a light treat, at the very beginning, add the juice of a small lemon.

For those who do not like sweets

Of course, a melon for the winter is harvested not only by the listed methods. You can cook an unusual version of the snack - marinated melon for winter can also be easy, but surprise will cause more than even jam.



Cut melon slices so that it is convenient to lay out in jars, but not finely. Peel the peel. We cook marinade from water, salt, spices, sugar and vinegar. We put the pieces of melon in boiling marinade for 2 minutes, put them into jars and fill them with boiling marinade. Be sure to sterilize and roll.