Why does the green grass dream?

To know the future it is not necessary to go to the fortune-teller, because at night a person gets a lot of information, which only needs to be explained correctly, in order to find out what should be prepared ahead. Green grass is a neutral symbol, the meaning of which depends on other things seen.

Why does the green grass dream?

Often, this image is a symbol of peace of mind and tranquility. If the grass is very high, then the dream can be considered a warning that your serenity can have a negative impact on life. The green grass that grows in an unusual place, for example, on the floor in your home, symbolizes the presence of a serious threat to your well-being. If you see such a dream while away from home, then it can be interpreted as a desire to return to your home, where you are expected. To see the dried up plots on the grass is a warning that soon you can feel a slight malaise.

High green grass in a dream is a symbol of a happy life with a stable financial position. For people who are engaged in business, such a dream predicts an increase in capital. To see a large field of juicy green grass means that in the future you can be betrayed by close people. If you see grass in the field, then soon you should expect an improvement in the financial situation. A dream in which the green grass grows in front of the gate is a symbol of advancement on the career ladder. For a lonely girl to see a green grass in a dream, it means that soon she will be able to meet her soul mate, and for others this dream means an improvement in her financial situation.

Grass in a dream grows very thick, which means that you are waiting for a successful period in any field. Mowing green grass in a dream means that in the future it is worth being ready for the sudden death of a loved one.