Cure for gout

Gout is a disease that affects joints due to the deposition of salts of uric acid. The disease has a relative prevalence - only three people out of a thousand are likely to get it.

It develops usually after 40 years, and affects both men and women with the same frequency. The joints that are most susceptible to injury are located on the toes.

There are several factors that increase the risk of developing gout:

Thus, it can be concluded that gout develops in those who have a disturbed balance of substances in the body.

To understand how to treat gout with medicines, you need to know its symptoms.

Symptoms for gout

The disease manifests itself suddenly, and is accompanied by severe pain. The patient feels heat in the joint area, and this happens, as a rule, at night. The sensitivity of the joint at this moment is so high that even under the weight of a light sheet, severe pain can develop.

Subsequent attacks have a slightly different course: before the sensation of heat and severe pain occurs , the patient feels a tingling sensation in the joint area .

In the absence of treatment, seizures occur more often, and the disease affects new joints. Often, a neglected process causes the pathology of the kidneys and urinary tract.

Before choosing drugs for the treatment of gout, it is worth to understand what processes occur in the body in connection with this disease:

  1. Increases the level of uric acid in the blood.
  2. There is an accumulation of uric acid compounds in the body.
  3. The urine compounds are deposited in tissues and organs.
  4. Develop gouty cones and granulomas around the joints.

Absolutely to get rid of a gout it is impossible, but to slow down process of development and to facilitate a life to the patient during attacks in possibilities of modern medicine.

The best cures for gout

Medications used for gout on the legs and other parts of the body are few - just a few groups of medicines.

Medications used during attacks

So, the first cure for gout is Colchicine, which affects the exchange of uric acid. This is a direct-acting anti-gout medication based on a cesspool. It relieves pain and has analgesic effect, and also reduces the migration of leukocytes to the affected area, inhibits the formation of microcrystals of uric acid and prevents their deposition in tissues. Thus, the drug is directed not only to preventive - prospective treatment, but also situational, due to anti-inflammatory effect and anesthesia.

Medication can not be used for renal and hepatic insufficiency. If it is taken for a long time, then there is a threat of leukopenia and anemia.

The effect of the drug is observed in the first 12 hours after admission, provided that it is taken at the beginning of the attack. If it begins to be taken late, there will be no positive result from the treatment, or it will be less noticeable. The medication is effective in 90% of cases.

Among modern medicines for gout - NSAID means. In these cases, two series of medicines are widely used:

These new medicines for gout during seizures are better tolerated than Colchicine, and also give a more pronounced therapeutic effect.

Voltaren is also often used to stop gout attacks. The first dosage is shock, is 200 mg per day, and then it is prescribed in a smaller amount - 150 mg per day.

All these medicines are designed to treat seizures. For the treatment of chronic form the following drugs are used.

Medications for gout for long-term use

For long-term use, a cure for allopurinol gout is appropriate. It is aimed at reducing the level of uric acid in the blood plasma and is released in tablets of 0.1 and 0.3 g.

Treatment begins in small dosages to avoid exacerbation of the disease and to prevent an allergic reaction. Medication is not prescribed during attacks - before taking Allopurinol it is necessary to achieve a stable, calm joint condition. In most cases, the drug is well tolerated.

In addition to Allopurinol, the following analogs can also be used for treatment: