Red spots under the eyes

Red spots under the eyes - a signal that in the body certain processes are violated. This symptom is indicative of kidney and liver disease, may be a manifestation of heart failure and dermatological problems. Nevertheless, when a red spot suddenly appeared under the eye, it is a banal allergic reaction. We will tell you how to distinguish one disease from another.

The main causes of the appearance of red spots under the eyes

Edemas and red spots under the eyes are one of the main symptoms of impaired renal function and the entire excretory system as a whole. It can be stones and sand, an infectious process, or kidney failure. In any case, it is this paired body that should be checked first. Perhaps, relief will bring a salt-free diet and a rejection of bad habits, but you still have to visit a doctor. Sometimes such spots are symptoms of intoxication, when the disease affected not only the kidneys, but also the liver and intestines. In this case, there is an additional symptom - skin peeling and itching.

Severe redness under the eyes, coming from the cheekbones, is a signal about the presence of heart disease. In this case, the spots are sharply distinguished in shape and color against the background of a general pale face.

There are other causes of swelling and redness:

Diseases accompanied by redness and other symptoms

In the event that red spots under the eyes are flaky, cracks and itching appear, there are reasons to suspect seborrheic dermatitis . In principle, the skin under the eyes of dermatological diseases is weak, but it is this disease that likes to develop on the thin and delicate skin of the eyelids, especially the lower one. Peeling occurs when an allergic reaction occurs. Especially it concerns cosmetics with such components:

If you are on the eve of the appearance of spots replaced by the usual care, antihistamine will help to solve the problem.

If the red spots under the eyes are strongly itchy, it is very likely a systemic allergic reaction - to dust, cold, pollen of trees, food. For calming the nerves, you can take the Diazolin tablet, but only to relieve the symptoms before you visit the doctor. The faster the allergen is installed, the less likely the development of complications such as Quincke's edema and respiratory arrest.