Beaver jet - medicinal properties

Sexually mature individuals of river beavers use the substance developed in the preputial pranatal glands to mark up the area. This liquid has a very strong and pungent musky odor with tar, which is why it is widely used in the perfume industry as an aroma fixer. In non-traditional medicine, the castoreum or the beaver's stream is also highly valued - the medicinal properties of this organic product, according to folk healers, are universal and help absolutely from all diseases.

Therapeutic properties and application of the beaver jet

When studying the chemical composition of castoreum, more than 40 useful components were found in it, among which the following are the main ones:

According to the experts of alternative medicine, the considered product of animal origin has such positive effects on the human body:

The list of unique qualities of the castoreum is constantly replenished. For example, recently it became clear that the medicinal properties of the beaver stream are effective in oncology. The presented aromatic substance prevents the growth and progression of malignant neoplasms, the spread of metastases.

In its pure form, beaver musk is usually applied internally after dilution with water. But from it you can prepare a variety of external drugs that help eliminate pain and cope with inflammation. Thus, the treatment of joints by the beaver jet is carried out by means of ointments and balms with the active ingredient in question.

Given the above facts, it is advisable to use castoreum in therapy of pathologies of all body systems:

This substance is used even to stabilize the condition of patients with severe mental disorders.

Therapeutic properties of the beaver for women

In gynecological practice, castoreum is recommended for use in therapeutic regimens for the following diseases:

Moreover, the beaver jet is an excellent tool for increasing female libido. It also helps to cope with the unpleasant symptoms of the climacteric period, tides and mood swings.

Therapeutic properties of the beaver jet extract and contraindications

If the described organic product is used not in pure, but extracted form, it does not lose the above-mentioned useful characteristics. Therefore, tinctures, extracts, extracts and any other preparations based on castoreum can be used for the same diseases as indicated in the indications for natural musk beaver.

It is believed that there are no contraindications to the jet, but doctors do not advise taking the medication without first consulting. There is always a risk of developing allergic reactions and undesirable side effects.