Burdock root extract

The burdock root extract is a therapeutic and prophylactic agent, which is a viscous greenish-brown liquid with a characteristic pleasant odor and sweet taste.

Composition of burdock root extract

Almost half of the composition of this extract, namely 45%, is represented by a valuable highly active substance - polysaccharide inulin. It also contains other useful components:

Therapeutic properties of the burdock root extract:

Indications and contraindications for the use of burdock root extract

The extract of burdock roots is used both internally, bred in warm water, and locally - for rubbing, as lotions and compresses. This drug is recommended for use in such cases:

The only contraindication to the administration of the extract of burdock roots is the individual intolerance of the components of the agent.

Burdock root extract

This agent is an excellent assistant in the fight against hair loss and weakness, as well as with dandruff . However, with these purposes, the oil extract of burdock root (burdock oil) is often used. The substances contained in it help to strengthen hair follicles, activate hair growth, restore their structure and eliminate dandruff.

For the improvement of hair, it is recommended that after each washing, rinse them with half a liter of water with the addition of a teaspoon of burdock root extract. The oil extract is used by rubbing it into the roots of the hair 1 to 2 hours before washing the head (the remedy should be slightly warmed up).