Purity from warts

Soon, folk healers found out that the celandine that grows almost under every tree helps from warts. The plant was even given a second name - a warty, although they speak of it as both "dog soap" or "yellow little one".

How useful is the plant?

To get rid of pathological growths on the body, caused by the papilloma virus, the juice of the plant is especially effective - it has a rich orange color and has about twenty poisonous substances in its composition. Actually, their effect on the virus and ensures the removal of warts celandine - build-up as it were burned out.

Decoction of yellow leaves malochaya helps with various skin diseases, if you add it to the bath.

How to use chistotel from warts?

The plant is unpretentious, and in summer it is not difficult to find it even in the city. Of course, it is better to choose a bush that grows away from the roadway and other sources of pollution. The plant must be strong and healthy. The easiest way is to tear the twig closer to the root and apply orange juice pointwise on the cutaneous growth. If after the celandine the wart turned black, it's okay.

In the case where there are many warts on one part of the body, they are treated step by step. At a time, you can lubricate not more than five growths. On the skin around them the juice should not fall, otherwise there will be a burn.

To remove celandine warts, as a rule, it is possible in a few weeks of everyday processing them with milk of a derelict plant: it is not worth waiting for an instant result.

If you miss a few bushes of the plant through a meat grinder (without roots), you get a gruel, the juice of which is suitable for 2 - 3 days.

Other recipes

To prepare the medicine for future use, you need leaves of fresh celandine - the remedy for warts can be made in the form of alcohol tincture, butter or broth.


  1. The glass container is filled with foliage 2/3.
  2. Pour to the brim with 70% alcohol or vodka, close the lid.
  3. In a dark place for at least three weeks, the drug is insisted, every day shaking the container.

Treatment of warts with such a tincture of celandine allows not only the spot treatment of outgrowths on the skin, but compresses - they can be kept for 15 minutes.


  1. Based on celandine, the oil is prepared from its leaves, which fill the half-liter jar to the brim.
  2. Then pours it with olive oil.
  3. The next two weeks the drug should stand in the sun (for example, on the windowsill), and every day the jar should be shaken.
  4. Before use, the product is filtered: leaves are discarded, and oleic extract of celandine is used for warts in the form of compresses, which are changed every 12 hours.


  1. Prepare it from 15 grams of dried herbs and 1 liter of boiling water, which is poured raw materials.
  2. After 2 hours, the medicine is ready.

Compresses from it do three times a day.

All described drugs give results after 2 - 3 weeks of systematic use.

Before using celandine from warts, be it juice, tincture, extract or decoction, it is useful to steam out the places where there are growths.

Pharmaceutical products

If there is no way to prepare a celandine by your own hand, To deduce warts, as experience shows, it is possible to buy medicines on the basis of this plant.

The most popular is the "Mountain Cleaner", which in addition to the essential oil "yellow malochaya" contains extracts of a string , golden rhododendron, gentian and lance spear. This "cocktail" copes well with the virus of the papilloma, while it does not contain chemical agents.

As for the latter, when buying a remedy for warts in the drugstore ostensibly on the basis of celandine, you should carefully read the composition and make sure that the preparation contains neither alkaline nor acidic substances.