Pipes for a warm water floor

Pipes for a warm water floor are increasingly being used for space heating. Such a system, used in place of traditional radiators , allows you to make your interior more attractive, since the pipes are hidden beneath the floor surface. Those who for the first time decided to equip such a system are interested in: what pipe should be used for a warm water floor?

Which pipes to choose for a warm water floor?

In multi-storey buildings, the equipment of such a system contributes to limiting the amount of thermal energy of the upper or lower neighbors. Therefore, they can only be used in private homes.

Pipes are the main components of such a system. Their correct selection will directly affect the quality of the warm water floor. Each type of product has its own technical characteristics. There are such basic types of pipes:

  1. Copper pipes . This is the most expensive material. But if you can afford to use this type of pipe, you will receive equipment that is long-term in operation. Products made of copper have better thermal conductivity.
  2. Metal-plastic pipes . They represent a budget option, but at the same time they have high quality. Thanks to this combination, they are used most often. The design has an internal interlayer of aluminum, which provides good thermal conductivity. The use for the manufacture of the polymer contributes to the resistance of the pipes to various damages.
  3. Polypropylene pipes . They are used quite rarely. The reason is a large bend radius of the pipe, which is at least 8 diameters. This leads to the fact that at a thickness of 20 mm, the distance from one piece of pipe to the other is not less than 320 mm, which is considered insufficient.
  4. Pipes of cross-linked polyethylene . Their pluses include high thermal conductivity, resistance to wear and a small price. The disadvantage is the peculiarity of their installation. Pipes must be fixed rigidly when laying, as they can straighten.

Calculation of pipes for a warm water floor

To determine the amount of material that you will need to purchase, it is recommended to make a layout scheme on millimeter paper. On it the plan of a room is carried out taking into account windows and doors in the following scale: 1 cm is equal to 0.5 m.

During calculations, the internal diameter of the pipe for the warm water floor is taken into account, which installation method will be used, the number of branches and valves.

In addition, the following conditions should be stipulated:

In order to calculate the number of pipes, measure their length and the resulting digit is multiplied by a factor to convert the drawing dimensions into real ones. To account for carrying out the piping to the riser, add 2 m additionally.

Next, calculate the amount of substrate, for which the length of the room is multiplied by its width.

Thus, carrying out the necessary calculations will help you in creating a comfortable heating system for your home.