The child has a toothache - how to anesthetize?

Certainly, when a small child has a toothache, you should contact your dentist as soon as possible. Meanwhile, in some cases, in order to visit a specialist, it is necessary to wait a long time, and to suffer a toothache before this time is almost impossible.

That is why it is important for young parents to know what can be given to a child if he has a toothache to relieve the condition of his child before visiting a doctor.

What if the child has a toothache?

First, you should open the baby's mouth and carefully examine the gums. If at least some area of ​​the gum turns red or swollen, and if there are signs of dentistry, you can use a holial or Kaldjel dental gel . These anesthetics will help quickly and effectively anesthetize the gum or tooth that hurts the child, but no more than 2-3 hours. After this time, the pain will return, and you will have to re-use a similar gel, so this measure can only be used as a temporary relief from pain before visiting a doctor.

Also, if the baby is swollen with a gum or cheek, you can dissolve 1 teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water and ask your child to rinse his mouth. If your karapuz is still very small and does not understand how to do it, you can drench the gauze napkin in this solution and wipe it with a painful patch.

You can rinse your mouth with a decoction of chamomile or pure water with the addition of a small amount of carnation essential oil. Again, for the youngest, you can use another method - on a small piece of cotton wool, drip 1 drop of clove flavor and attach to a sick tooth.

In addition, in all cases, it is recommended to thoroughly brush your teeth with the mandatory use of dental floss. This will help your baby get rid of the leftover food.

Unfortunately, all these tools do not always help. If your child has a very bad toothache and you do not know how to help him, use effective anesthetic medications in the form of syrup or rectal suppositories, for example, Panadol, Nurofen or Efferalgan. All these funds can be given to babies from an early age, however, for this it is necessary to carefully select the dosage corresponding to the age and weight of the crumbs.

Do not forget that the causes of pain in milk and molars are exactly the same, and you can not ignore such feelings in children at any age. Even if you managed to rid the child of a toothache by using one of the above methods, you need to show the crumbs to a qualified doctor.