Inflammation of the intestines - treatment

Inflammation of the intestine does not always manifest immediately. In some patients, the problem may be hidden for a long time. Because of this, the treatment of inflammation of the intestines is significantly complicated - the disease has time to seriously develop. Basically, the healing process starts on time and includes fairly simple activities.

Basic principles of treatment of inflammation of the small and large intestine

No, probably, a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, which could be cured without a diet. Not an exception and inflammation of the intestine. Changing the diet is a prerequisite for recovery. It is highly recommended not to eat spicy, too fatty, fried or over-salted foods. At the time of treatment it is better not to lean on spices, sweets, coffee, strong tea, eggs, potatoes. Of course, getting rid of the problem without giving up bad habits will be almost impossible. But fresh vegetables and fruits, lean meat, fish, dairy products, gray bread and steamed dishes, on the contrary - will be extremely useful.

From medications for the treatment of inflammation of the intestine, spasmolytics, immunosuppressants, enzymes, vitamin complexes, sorbents are used. The most popular tools:

Antibiotics are prescribed in extreme cases. Strong preparations on the intestinal microflora are destructive, therefore it is undesirable to use them for the treatment of inflammation.

Treatment of inflammation of the intestines with folk remedies

With inflammation of the intestine, some recipes of traditional medicine may also be useful:

  1. Favorable on the body is influenced by millet decoction. Three tablespoons of grains are poured with warm, purified water and infused with steam hours. After that, olive oil is added to the mixture. The received means should be drunk on an empty stomach five to ten days. No less useful is a similar decoction based on flaxseed.
  2. Barberry barley is very effective. It is recommended to use it half a cup three times a day.
  3. To treat inflammation of the intestine at home, it is often used soft oatmeal. A glass of grains is flooded with water and languishes on a slow fire. You can drink the jelly right after it cools.
  4. Quickly remove the inflammation under the force of tincture on alder cones.