Fetus at 18 weeks gestation

That's behind the first half of the baby's bearing. The future mother is already familiar with the new situation for her and closely follows the changes that occur with the fetus at 18 weeks. After all, it is at this stage that you can feel the stirring of life within yourself for the first time.

What happens in the development of the fetus in 18 weeks?

The baby has an active development of the sense organs and brain, he can already distinguish between bright light and sharp sounds coming from outside. The fetus on the 18th week of pregnancy reaches 14 centimeters in length and has a weight of almost 200 grams. He is extremely active, he has plenty of room for tumbling, waving his arms and legs, swimming and turning over. This is facilitated by the fact that the fetus in 17-18 weeks already has fully formed limbs and even fingers. The baby's immune system is able to withstand infections and viruses, as his body began producing interferon and immunoglobulin.

The palpitation of the fetus at 18 weeks is somewhat faster, which is due to the ever increasing motor activity. And of course, the question of what gender "puzozhitel", can already be resolved, since the child's genitals have completed their formation.

And what happens to the pregnant woman?

The size of the abdomen at the 18th week already fully shows the "interesting" position of the woman and promotes a complete renovation of the wardrobe. Weight from the beginning of gestation increased by an average of 4-6 kg, some skin pigmentation, the appearance of colostrum in pregnant women and other related symptoms is possible.

The size of the uterus at the 18th week also continues to grow steadily, because the baby needs more and more space for its development. This can cause some discomfort to the woman and create an additional strain on the spine and spinal muscles.

However, all these temporary inconveniences just fade in comparison with the fact that Mom marks the first movements of the fetus in 18 weeks, which at first are barely perceptible and rare, but are gradually intensifying and becoming more frequent.

At the next visit to the women's consultation, the position of the fetus is determined at week 18, which is a confirmation of the normal course of pregnancy. If there is a threat of miscarriage or premature birth, a woman will be recommended a supportive course of treatment or compliance with certain rules of gestation. Do not be afraid if there is a pelvic presentation of the fetus at the 18th week. In view of the fact that there is still a lot of time before birth, the child can change his place of "dislocation" and everything will return to normal. There is also a certain set of exercises that can help change the location of the fetus at week 18.