How to learn to conjure?

The question of how to learn how to cast, remains incredibly important for many people. In this they see the opportunity to change their lives and the world around them, to influence events that are not under their normal control. From this article, you will learn whether you can learn how to cast spells and what you need to do.

How can you learn how to cast spells?

People who formulate their desire "how to learn to conjure for real," as a rule, mean mastering the secrets of magic. In fact, this is not that mysterious halo, as it seems at first glance, in this area everything can be as simple and understandable as in the laws of physics.

Learn to conjure - then become a magician. A magician is a man who possesses psychic energy so well that he is able to control it. It is believed that some people from birth have the ability to magic, while others have to comprehend everything from scratch.

Before you enter the world of magic, you should decide on the area in which you would like to try yourself:

  1. Predictions. In this case, guessing through various systems is suggested: maps, Tarot , "Books of Changes", runes, etc.
  2. Creation of talismans, amulets. The talisman is designed to attract situations to which the person is charged (for example, the attention of the opposite sex). Amulet is a symbol designed to protect a person. Such items can only be created by strong magicians, so that they are really effective.
  3. Spells and summoning spirits. This includes the ability of the magician to communicate with the spirit, or using words to attract a certain situation.
  4. Alchemy. This is a very complex skill for advanced mages, which involves the transformation of some substances or objects into others.
  5. Spiritual development. This includes the notion of the highest form of magic (Theurgy) and the lower form or Goetia (or black magic). The first allows you to rise above yourself, the second - above the world.

As a rule, moving from the beginning of this list to its end, a person can strengthen and improve his skills and abilities as a magician.

How to learn to cast white magic?

If you use magic not for revenge or gain, not seeking to rise above the world, not with sinful purposes that reveal greed, envy, gluttony, and other sinful vices in you, then your path is white magic. It is used exclusively for good purposes.

So, let's consider the sequence of actions:

  1. Read at least three smart books on white magic. They can be chosen on the advice of friends, but better - intuitively, this is how you find what you need.
  2. Start practicing in the chosen area, take actions that do not affect others.
  3. When you see the result, invite your relatives to use your services and observe the effect on them.
  4. Gradually continue to develop, choosing more and more new rituals and skills for mastering. Do not stand still!
  5. Use your magic regularly, your potential should be uncovered.
  6. When you make sure that your magic works always, you can try your hand at the most difficult areas of magic. Do not hurry with this, until this moment must pass at least a few months, and sometimes years.

The main principle of development for a magician is to be confident in his actions. It is the faith of the magician himself that allows magic to exist, fueled by its mental energy. Seeing the first results, do not think that this is a successful combination of circumstances - be aware that this is the success of your magical actions. So, step by step, reinforcing your confidence in the effectiveness of your own efforts, you will successfully develop in the chosen area.