Pain in the neck right

The neck is a zone of the body that carries out many important vital functions, and at the same time one of the most vulnerable human places. This is due to the fact that the main supply routes - the larynx, esophagus, trachea and blood vessels that feed the brain, as well as nerve trunks, lymphatic vessels, etc. - pass through it. The slightest damage to organs located in the neck is a threat to health and even life.

With the appearance of pain in the neck it is quite difficult to understand what kind of defeat causes them. That is, there are many factors that provoke pain in the neck. Now let's take a closer look at the possible causes of pain in the neck area to the right.

Causes of pain in the neck on the right

Painful sensations in the neck on the right side can be temporary, arising periodically or permanently. Also, they may be accompanied by other symptoms that can differentiate the disease (muscle tension, decreased mobility, irradiation of pain in other areas of the body).

Depending on the type of pain in the neck on the right and the accompanying pathological signs, its appearance may be a consequence of the ailments considered below.


Inflammation of the muscular tissue of the neck. Most often, the symptoms of this pathology manifest themselves after sleep. With the defeat of the muscles, the righting pain in the neck, localized from behind, is often accompanied by pain in the head, shoulders, ears. The cause of myositis may be hypothermia, prolonged exposure in one position, excessive exercise.

Osteochondrosis of the cervical spine

Sharp pain in the neck to the right can be associated with this pathology. Painful sensations arise from the compression of nerves located between the affected vertebrae. There is also pain and numbness in the hand, impaired motor functions, blood pressure jumps. Similar symptoms can also occur when the vertebra is displaced, the intervertebral hernia, the tendon stretching.

Spinal cervical stenosis

The narrowing of the spinal canal leads to the appearance not only intense pain in the neck on the right or left, but also to severe weakness in the limbs, convulsions, loss of sensitivity, and sometimes - to paralysis. The cause of stenosis, as a rule, are degenerative changes in the spine, associated with its overload.

ENT diseases

The pain in the neck in the front right is often associated with infections of the ENT organs:

Patients at the same time complain about difficulty swallowing, hoarseness, cough, fever.

Diseases of the esophagus

The cause of neck pain can also be a lesion of the esophagus in this area:

In such cases, pain concentrates in the lower part of the neck, is enhanced by moving food through the affected area.


Also, the possible cause of pain in the neck, which appears as a reflection of pain in the affected salivary glands. The pain becomes more intense when the neck is tilted and turned. Other signs of pathology are:

Other reasons

Reflected pain in the neck to the right can talk about lung cancer , some internal hemorrhages of various, about abscesses and tumors.

Treatment of pain in the neck on the right

Treatment of pain in the neck is, first of all, in eliminating the factor that caused it. To determine the cause, it may be necessary to fully diagnose the organism, including instrumental and laboratory methods. Depending on the type of pathology, treatment may include: