Plantain juice is good and bad

Since childhood, each person is familiar with the amazing healing properties of plantain. It is enough to stretch the palm leaf of this ubiquitously growing herb and apply it to the skin damage, in order to speed up the wound healing. In traditional medicine, plantain juice is often used - the benefit and harm of this phytocoagulant is due to the high concentration of organic acids and other valuable ingredients in it.

What is useful for plantain juice?

The main positive effects that the agent under consideration are:

The benefits of plantain juice also include the following effects:

Harmful and beneficial properties of plantain juice

Due to the described characteristics of the described drug, it is prescribed for diseases of various body systems:

1. Gastrointestinal tract:

2. Respiratory system:

3. Skin:

4. Gynecology:

Juice of psyllium is considered as the most safe means, but it is important to apply it correctly, taking into account contraindications:

Otherwise, there are side effects in the form of allergic reactions, heartburn.