Hercules Slimming

Hercules for weight loss is recommended by all dieticians. This is due to the fact that the oatmeal belongs to complex carbohydrates and contains a significant proportion of protein in its composition. Hercules not only helps to lose weight, but will also ensure a stable work of the stomach and will help reduce cholesterol . As part of the oatmeal is a necessary set of vitamins and amino acids, which will provide you with a charge of vivacity for the whole day.

Can I lose weight on oatmeal?

On the Internet, you can meet a lot of tips on the use of mono-diet for weight loss, including the Herculean diet . However, nutritionists do not recommend resorting to such heavy diets, because such a sharp decrease in weight can cause significant harm to the body. But nevertheless, many representatives of the fair sex argue that you can lose weight on the oatmeal.

How to lose weight with Hercules?

If you decide to lose weight, you must always enter your morning porridge. Herculean porridge on the water - the most effective breakfast for those who want to lose weight. Hercules should be chosen the easiest, with large flakes and without any additives. Flakes should not be cooked. For maximum effect, the oatmeal should be boiled from the evening with boiling water (3 tablespoons of oatmeal pour a glass of boiling water and cover).

It is clear that brewed oats without salt and sugar are not the most delicious food, but there are several secrets with which you make your breakfast not only useful but also delicious. You can add dried fruit to the oats, for example, prunes and dried apricots. To do this, simultaneously with the brewing of the flakes of the oatmeal, pour 2 pieces of dried fruit with boiling water, and chop them in porridge in the morning. There you can add a few crushed walnuts. You can also add fresh fruit to apples - apples, pears, apricots, etc. For the best effect, you can add 2 teaspoons of bran to the finished porridge. However, it must be remembered that sitting on a diet, you should not eat too much fruit, especially sweet. You can eat 2-3 fruits or 10-150 grams of berries in the morning.

Over time, porridge porridge should be alternated with porridge from other cereals - millet, buckwheat, barley and others. It is desirable to abandon the mango and rice.

Kissel from the oat-flakes for weight loss

Hercules for weight loss is also used in the form of jelly. Kissel from the oatmeal is very useful for the stomach, has enveloping properties and promotes the acceleration of metabolism. Kissel from the oatmeal for weight loss can be bought in finished briquettes, but it is better to cook it yourself. To do this, several spoons of oatmeal should be poured overnight with boiling water, adding a crust of black bread to the container. In the morning, you need to get the bread out, and wipe the brewed mass through a sieve and bring it to a boil on low heat. After that, pour the jelly into the plate and leave until hardening. In the finished cooled kissel you can add a little honey.

Of course, in itself, no product is a panacea for losing weight, but oatmeal is one of the most useful tools.