Potatoes "Gala" - a description of the variety

Many farmers and plant growers would like to work with unpretentious crops that would well tolerate heat, lack of moisture, calmly tolerate insect attacks and quickly get rid of diseases. The variety of potato "Gala" was selected by breeders for those who want to put less effort, without sacrificing the volumes and quality of the harvest.

Characteristics of the potato "Gala"

This variety is considered one of the early ripening. From the moment of his planting, an average of 2, 5 months and you can already serve a young fragrant potato. And such success can be achieved in the middle zone, where the weather in recent years often presents surprises in the form of drought, for example.

Description of the potato variety "Gala":

The characteristic of the potato "Gala" would be incomplete without the fact that this variety is super-yielding. Get 20-25 potatoes from a bush - it's just a dream of any summer resident.

Seed potatoes "Gala": a description of diseases

This variety, unperturbably experiencing many disorders, is prone to defeat by rhizoctonia. This disease manifests itself in the form of a fungus, which destroys the lower part of the stem. Therefore, it is the fight against this disease that should become one of the main tasks of the plant grower. Prevention, consisting of dressing the bush, is simple, in addition, at the present time the choice of harmless drugs that can be used is great.

It is also worth paying attention to the diseases caused by the leaf twisting virus, although the potato resistance to it is medium developed. In some cases, the potato "Gala" suffers from late blight, but very rarely - tuber blight . It is not bad for a variety of scab attack, cancer (D1), nematodes (R01, R04), virus Y.

Thus. resistance to various types of diseases that usually affect many varieties, Gala is simply excellent, which makes it a competitive commodity in the market and a favorite sort of summer residents.

Advantages of the variety

This potato is suitable for those who value their time and strength, as well as for those who are interested in the following factors:

Varied potatoes can be bought in specialized stores, at agricultural fairs, in online stores.

How to plant?

Variety potatoes should not be more than a hen's egg for landing. 3-4 days before planting it should be heated in the sun. Planting tubers is most effective at a distance of 80 cm and at a depth not exceeding half of the palm. If the emergence of sprouts a few times again to sprinkle with earth, then you can contribute to the growth of a good root system. To make the land "rested" over the winter in the place of planting potatoes, you can plant rye.