How to plant hyacinths in the fall?

One of the bulbous plants, often found in garden plots, are hyacinths. Such popularity they have got thanks to the bright coloring and the beautiful form of flowers, despite their sharp smell.

To this flower throws out good inflorescences, it must be digged and reapplied every year. But since this garden plant can be grown at home, it is necessary to know what the time and methods of planting differ, depending on the breeding site. In this article, we will tell you how to properly plant hyacinths in the autumn at home and in the garden, what are the differences of this process depending on the site of planting.

How to plant hyacinth at home?

For planting in a pot you need to choose such varieties of hyacinth, which are intended just for distillation. Best fit for these purposes are healthy bulbs with a diameter of about 5 cm.

The time when you need to put the hyacinth in the pot, depends on what month you want it to blossom. If in December, then landing is held in early September, and if in March - then in October.

It is also very important to pick up the pot. On 1 bulb requires a container with a diameter of 10-11 cm. If you want to plant 3-5 small ones, then you need to take a diameter of more than 14 cm.

We are landing:

  1. In the pot we pour a layer of ground (about 5 cm), and then a similar layer of sand.
  2. We ground and water the soil. A little pressing into it, lay out the bulbs.
  3. Sprinkle them with sand, and then - with earth. The top should remain above the ground.
  4. Pot put in a cold dark place for 2 months.

When a sprout 3 cm high appears, we move the container to a warmer place, and after 5-7 days, we put it in the sun.

How to plant hyacinth in the open ground?

To successfully land a hyacinth in the ground, preliminary training should be carried out:

  1. At the end of summer we prepare a site for planting: we introduce fertilizers and dig at a depth of 40 cm.
  2. In late September - early October, we loosen the soil, get rid of weeds and necessarily level.
  3. For planting choose healthy bulbs and pickled in a solution of potassium permanganate for a minimum of 30 minutes.
  4. Make holes, sprinkle their bottom sand and have hyacinths. The height of the groove depends on the size of the bulb: large - 18-20 cm, medium - 12-15 cm, small - 10 cm. Between plantings, it is necessary to maintain an interval of 15-20 cm. Then we fall asleep with soil mixed with sand. If the soil is dry, then water.

To protect the hyacinths planted in the autumn from frosts, if there is little snow in winter, cover the area with peat and sawdust.

Following these recommendations, how to properly plant a hyacinth under the winter, in the spring you will definitely get beautiful inflorescences on its bushes.