Inflammation of the esophagus - symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the esophagus (esophagitis) occurs most often under the influence of local irritants (sour, cold, too hot food) and infections. Symptoms and treatment for inflammation of the esophagus are discussed in the article.

Symptoms of inflammation of the esophagus

Depending on the nature of the disease, acute and chronic esophagitis is isolated, in terms of severity - superficial (catarrhal) and erosive (affecting deep mucous layers). Inflammation of the esophagus has the following symptoms:

With a chronic form of the disease, coughing and hoarseness are possible.

Therapy of inflammation of the esophagus

Treatment of inflammation of the esophagus mucosa is aimed at eliminating the symptoms of the disease and includes:

To eliminate the symptoms of inflammation of the esophagus, drugs with an anesthetic, astringent and enveloping effect are treated, including:

In order to reduce the symptoms of inflammation of the reflux esophagus (heartburn and eructation) for treatment, apply:

When purulent inflammation requires the use of antibiotics. In addition, the doctor may prescribe antifungal agents.

Attention! Indications for surgical intervention in esophagitis are severe disorders of the esophagus that can not be dilated.

Treatment of inflammation of the esophagus by traditional medicine

To reduce the severity of symptoms during inflammation of the esophagus, the treatment is carried out folk remedies. Traditionally effective are the fees, which include:

  1. Chamomile flowers, flax seeds, licorice root, motherwort, melissa.
  2. Rhizome of marsh aura, fruits of anise, flowers of calendula, oregano, spray, mint, nettle white.
  3. The leaves of the plantain, the root of the mountaineer, the flowers of chamomile, oregano, dandelion, shepherd's bag, yarrow.

Reduce the inflammation of the esophagus mucosa: