How to treat barking cough in a child?

Seals, or barking cough, almost always occurs suddenly and paroxysmally. Most often it affects young children under the age of five. By time, the attack can last long enough, and a continuous dry cough greatly exhausts the baby, causing him to vomit. The reasons for the appearance of such a condition in a crumb can be a huge number: an allergy not treated with acute respiratory viral infection with upper respiratory tract infection, whooping cough, laryngitis and laryngotracheitis, diphtheria, laryngeal tumor, etc. What to do and how to treat a barking cough in a child, if the attack happened unexpectedly, is a question to which there is no universal answer, and the medicine depends on what the etiology of this symptom is.

Medical preparations for cough

Allergy is a disease that can be characterized by different symptoms. In some people, it is manifested by suffocation and cough, and in others - by a rash on the skin and tear. If the kid got into an unfamiliar environment for him, had contact with a new thing, ate food that he had not tried before, and he does not have any cold symptoms, then most likely you are faced with an attack of allergy. Antihistamines are what to treat a barking cough in a child in such a situation. The most common medicine are Fenistil drops, which can be given to the baby, starting at the age of one month, and also Zirtek, Zodak, which can be used for children older than a year.

Much more difficult is the treatment when barking cough in a child occurs as a result of an untreated acute respiratory viral infection. The scheme of taking medications can be divided into three groups and the baby should be offered them strictly in the order that they are indicated below:

  1. Mucolytic drugs.
  2. It is with them that the treatment of this problem should begin. Receiving mucolytics, as a rule, is short, and it is necessary for the liquefaction of phlegm to occur in order to better expectorate. Syrups Bromhexine and Lazolvan - this is what it is recommended to treat dry barking cough in a child at this stage. These drugs can be used from the birth of the baby and until the moment when the expectorant effect comes, and the dry cough does not become wet. Typically, the period of application of these drugs is 2-3 days, and the treatment is strictly under the supervision of a doctor or adults. Then you should go to the second group of medicines.

  3. Expectorants.
  4. They will help the baby get rid of phlegm. What to treat a strong barking cough in a child is a question, the answer to which will help to find the pharmaceutical companies. The most famous and common drugs for carpoys are: Gedelix and Alteika syrups, as well as Pertussin and Mukaltin. The latter can be used to treat children older than a year, whereas the previously mentioned means are from birth.

  5. Antitussive drugs.
  6. These medicines are prescribed only by the doctor and in very serious cases, when the cough does not last for months, and its etiology can not be established. However, to panic ahead of time is not necessary, because, as a rule, barking cough in a child without fever passes during the treatment with expectorant drugs.

Than to help or assist the kid?

To make it easier for a child to cope with this disease, in addition to medicines, it is recommended to carry out a set of measures aimed at an early recovery:

Parents should not be frightened if, during or immediately after the inhalation, the baby will have a coughing fit. Such an organism reaction is considered normal and occurs as a result of liquefaction of sputum, therefore any inhalation is recommended to be performed one hour after ingestion.

So, barking cough in toddlers is a symptom to which you should pay close attention, or better - to visit a doctor. Indeed, in spite of the fact that now many youngsters are vaccinated against such a disease as whooping cough, it still periodically reminds oneself, and this is very serious.