Hot flushes in women cause

A sharp sensation of heat that spreads across all parts of the body is called a tide. The most intense it is felt near the neck, face and chest, accompanied by an acceleration of the heartbeat and a rapid pulse, a slight reddening of the skin. Until now, it has not been possible to determine the mechanisms that cause hot flushes in women - the causes of this phenomenon are usually associated with the onset of menopause, but sometimes they have another origin.

Why are hot flashes in women after 50 years?

Approximately 75% of women suffer from this condition during menopause. Presumably, it is due to a decrease in the concentration of estrogen.

Because of the decrease or total cessation of the production of this hormone, the temperature range (thermoneutral zone) is narrowed, at which the woman feels comfortable. Insignificant overheating, provoked by the use of acute, hot food, hyperthermia, climate change or any other factor, is perceived by the body as a signal about the need for immediate cooling. The pituitary gland produces an increased volume of luteinizing hormone, which releases excess heat through the pores on the skin by sweating. As a result, the epidermis becomes covered with moisture, becomes cool to the touch. At the same time, the body temperature decreases, and the blood vessels narrow, after which the chill may even start.

The hot flashes of women due to the onset of menopause can easily be differentiated due to several concomitant symptoms:

It is important to note that the described mechanism of pathology is only an assumption, the exact relationship between violations of female thermoregulation and estrogen concentration is not established.

Because of what there are hot flushes at women in the age of about 30 years?

There are other factors that cause blood flushes. If the described problem is observed in young women, far from the onset of menopause, it is worth checking the health for the presence of the following pathologies:

In addition, women notice an increase in hot flashes after taking some medications. Also, this phenomenon can be caused by eating foods that contain capsaicin - hot pepper, ginger.

The causes and effective treatment of hot flushes in women

In those cases, when the examined state occurs against the background of the climacteric period, hormone replacement therapy works well. The doctor will be able to advise the most suitable drugs for normalization of well-being.

Treatment of hot flushes in young women who suffer from other diseases not related to hormonal changes in the body should correspond to the detected disease, presumably provoking a violation of thermoregulation.

General recommendations:

  1. Get rid of bad habits.
  2. Control the temperature in the room.
  3. Drink more water throughout the day.
  4. Do about 30 minutes per day.
  5. Wear clothes made of natural fabrics.
  6. At the beginning of an attack, put your hands up to the elbow under a stream of cold water.