Plot for a meeting

The conspiracy to the meeting refers to love magic, because it allows you to tuck in a person to a date. It is important to consider that such rituals will not cause feelings, but will only be an additional stimulus to contact. There are no negative consequences for such conspiracies, and you can read them any day, and at any time of the day. To achieve the desired result, in such rituals, visualization and concentration on one's own feelings and emotions are of great importance.

Conspiracy to meet your loved one

If there is a desire to meet with the lover, but he for some reason does not appear, it means that you can conduct a ritual that will cause him an inexplicable desire. Before proceeding to the plot itself, it is important to tune in to the necessary wave. Conveniently arrange yourself and mentally visualize how a loved one comes into the house, opens the door, how it looks, etc. Of great importance is the maximum detail. When there is a clear picture of the meeting before your eyes, you need to close your hands in the lock on your chest and whisper without hesitation to read such a plot:

"I, the servant of God (name), call the servant of God (name), not from the furnace furnace, not from the sea water, not from the dead land, not from the wicker fence, not from the golden church, not from the twisted door, but from my porch.

Thoughts of the servant of God (name), you call him to me rather, his feet, you carry it to me.

Two guardian angels will accompany him on the road, that on both sides the slave of God (name) will go, they will lead him to my doorstep.

With the word of a good young man I call to myself, I close my key.

Yes it will come to pass, as it is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Repeat the words nine times. The ritual begins to act immediately after the pronunciation of the last words.

Strong plot for a meeting

To achieve the desired result, in this ritual, preliminary preparation is important - purification from the negative. For this it is recommended to adhere to a strict diet for three days and to consume only food of vegetable origin in minimum quantities. Even in this period, you must give up all bad habits and not have sexual intercourse. It is important to refrain from conflicts and various quarrels with others, in general, protect yourself from any negative emotions.

The ritual needs to start after sunset. Close all the windows, close the curtains and light the church candle. Looking at the flame, imagine a meeting with a man and say such a conspiracy:

"God will assemble me on the road. He will give me a blessing on the relationship, to meet with the servant of God (name), give me confidence, give me the opportunity, give his strength. The Lord God will save me from spending waste, from meeting superfluous, from evil eyes, my heart will not worry, there will be no fear in my thoughts, there will be a connection of love with me, slaves of God (name) with God's servant (name) and will only grow , yes multiply. I will pray to God, yes, the meeting is necessary. May it be so. Amen. Amen. Amen".

A plot to meet a man for soap

This rite is suitable for cases when it is necessary to meet with a person. For example, if a meeting is needed to decide what issue, then this plot will help to realize this. For the ritual with your right hand, break off a small piece of soap and scratch out the name of the person with whom you want to contact. In an empty bath, put this piece, lean over it and say:

"Lying in the void, without wind and rain. There is no thunder, there is no storm, only calmness around. Everything will pass smoothly, smoothly and without trouble. "

A piece of soap should be stored in a purse, until a meeting occurs.

Plot for an early meeting with the other half

This rite will help lonely people to meet a worthy person with whom you can build a happy and lasting relationship . For its conduct, you need to buy three church candles, and another icon of the Most Holy Theotokos and Guardian Angel. Close yourself in the room, light the candles and next place the prepared icons. After that, read this conspiracy three times:

"My love angel, I appeal to you,

Since birth you have settled in me.

Speed ​​up my meeting on a difficult path,

Unexpected happiness in the wings bring.

Probably somewhere it was hidden,

Send me all that destiny destined.

Amen! Amen! Amen!"

It is important to read the words confidently without hesitation, putting your feelings and emotions in them. Candles should completely burn out, and cinder can be thrown away.

Effective plot for a quick meeting

A simple ritual will help with the help of your own internal energy to "push" your loved one to a meeting. To start its implementation is best at exactly midnight. In advance you need to buy 13 church candles. When the time comes, light them and, looking at the flame, imagine the future meeting in the smallest detail and say the plot:

"I'm fixing candles for a meeting, for an early date with fate. Though my beloved is far away, let him be next to me. I prophesy myself to see you soon, call upon the relics of the evil fire. As Antichrist maims our souls, love will not go away from me now. How all the candles will burn and die, will give fire to my words in the night. Let me do a conspiracy not in vain, all the obstacles open up. May it be so. Amen! Amen! Amen!"

Read until the candles are will burn down. Do not forget to constantly think about your loved one.

Plot to a meeting on a photo

An uncomplicated ritual should be done at sunrise and sunset two days in a row. For him, two wax candles and a picture of a loved one should be prepared. On the table put a photo, and before it light a candle. Watching through the flame in the eyes of a loved one, say the following conspiracy: "The day passed and the night passed. I waited for the day and waited for the night. Now I'm waiting for you, (the name of the person to be called). "

Read until you feel that it's enough. Then, light up the candle with your fingers, since you can not blow it out. In the evening, repeat the ritual and leave the candle completely burned. The next day, the ceremony is held with another candle. Another important remark - in the morning to read the plot, you need to face facing east, and in the evening - to the west.