Is it possible to baptize a child in a leap year?

According to the Julian calendar every day shifts for 6 hours, and to level the error, a leap year was introduced, in which 366 days. Thus, every 4 years you can see the appearance of a new date in the calendar - February 29. There are many signs associated with this period, for example, many are afraid of baptizing a child in a leap year, marrying and taking other responsible steps. It is important to understand this topic in order to understand whether it is worthwhile to fear existing superstitions or all of these contrived stereotypes.

Is it possible to baptize a child in a leap year?

Many families think about whether it is worth taking such a responsible step in such a time interval or it is better to wait until next year. Skeptics consider the signs only fiction. A man by his nature, when he can not give a logical explanation to anything, comes up with various fears, omens, etc. That is why, if you conduct a survey among people about the baptism of a child in a leap year, you can get many different, sometimes even strange, answers. Someone says that this time is unfavorable for the conduct of the rite and that the child may have many problems during his life. There are also versions that there should be four godparents. There is also an opinion that only family members can baptize a child in a leap year, for example, a brother, a sister, a father, etc. Many people consider all this to be nonsense, but there are those who observe all the signs, which leads to many problems.

Finding out why you can not baptize a child in a leap year, you need to know the opinion of the church. In Orthodoxy, it is impossible to find any restrictions regarding the conduct of weddings, weddings, well, and, accordingly, baptism. All rituals are conducted according to existing rules without any restrictions. The clergy say that there is no such thing as a leap year in the church. Hence it can be concluded that if a person believes in God , then any contrived signs for him should not be grounds for abandoning christenings in a leap year.

It is possible to sum up all the above and conclude that every person has the right to decide for himself whether to believe in signs or not, and when it is worthwhile to baptize your child only to parents.

What will be the child born in a leap year?

It will be interesting to know not only whether it is possible to baptize a child in a leap year, but also what kind of child born at this time will be. On this account, there are also different opinions, for example, some believe that such children attract different troubles, while others say that they have magical abilities. For a long time people have been sure that people born in a leap year are talismans who attract happiness and luck to themselves. There is also the opinion that those born during this period have more chances to achieve success in life.

The children who were born on the last day of winter, that is, on February 29, were considered to be unique first of all. They predicted a happy and rich life, but people believed that these children have the ability to communicate with evil spirits, which enables them to save other souls from their negative influence.

Modern abilities of astrologers also speak about the abilities of children born in a leap year. They assure that such people are leaders in life, so they can easily achieve all the goals in life. They are also talented and very smart, but because of their lack of discipline, they face different problems in life. It is also worth noting their well-developed intuition. Many children born in a leap year could become geniuses, but because of laziness, talent remains unresolved.