Sunflower seeds - good and bad

Zucchini is an unpretentious vegetable that people not only consume but also use in folk medicine. In the course is everything: pulp, freshly prepared juice, peel, seeds - because the components of this bush type pumpkin can have a curative effect.

Sunflower seeds and squash, the benefits of which are obvious to the human body, are similar in composition. They contain santonin, a highly effective anthelmintic, and vitamin E, a potent antioxidant.

Benefits and harm of zucchini seeds

Let's look at the points, what are the useful seeds of courgettes:

  1. Seeds can help men get rid of infertility, because they contain a record amount of zinc. This substance affects the level of potency, provides a good quality of sperm, enhances desire.
  2. Seeds of zucchini are a good remedy against ascarids and worms, thanks to the santonin in its composition.
  3. A large amount of fat in the seeds can contribute to the cure of purulent sore throat. Just do it in the frying pan and make a warming compress.
  4. Cooked squash milk from seeds and water with honey can help get rid of diabetes .
  5. Powder from dried zucchini seeds is used in the treatment of diseases of the endocrine, nervous, cardiac, vascular and hematopoietic systems.

The use of seeds from zucchini, thanks to their useful properties, can be a good break between changing dishes with a carbohydrate diet . But the seeds have contraindications: it is recommended that people with a diagnosis of renal insufficiency be recommended to refuse treats, since the potassium contained in the product is very poorly excreted from the body.

It is possible to eat salted sunflower seeds from zucchini as a beer snack, but remember that they cause a strong need for water.

A healthy person can consume sunflower seeds in unlimited quantities, but if you have doubts, it is better to consult a specialist.