Polygamy in men and women - causes and symptoms

Male polygamous - one of the most common stereotypes in society. It is often possible to hear from the female half the statement that a man is a "walker" by nature. On the polygamousness of women is spoken less often, it is believed that this is the lot of men. Is it so?

What is polygamy?

Polygamy is a person's inclination to multiple connections with the opposite sex. The concept originated from the word polygamy (Greek pολύς - many, γάμος - marriage) - a marriage in which a man or woman has several marriage partners. In nature, the phenomenon of polygamy in males is called polygyny and such sexual behavior helps to preserve the species through numerous offspring.

A person is polygamous or monogamous?

The question, whether a person is polygamous, causes interest among biologists and sociologists. Science does not give an unambiguous answer, in most cases it is believed that monogamy prevails when the individual has a desire to continue his family, but when the relationship becomes stable and the children grow up, then consistent polygamy can arise: remarriage and a new offspring. Men or women who do not want to destroy a family, develop extramarital relationships that are carefully concealed.

Causes of polygamy

What pushes a person to multiple relationships or relationships. The reasons for polygamy are several:

  1. Survival . Since ancient times, mankind has experienced many wars, outbreaks of various epidemics, genocide. Men died in battles, children died, and in order to somehow balance the men, the instinct of procreation awakens through communication with several partners at once.
  2. Traditions . Here, religion and the way of society play a role. Polygamy is supported in a number of Islamic states, the causes are also rooted in the past, when the high mortality rate prevailed. Some people still have a custom: in the case of the death of a husband, a woman with children goes under the protection of another brother, becoming his wife, even if he is married at that time.
  3. Love at once to a few . This also happens when a man or woman being in love falls in love with another, while trying to keep the family . More often these are novels on the side, which are kept in secret, so as not to cause pain to the spouses.
  4. Prestige . In certain business circles, the presence of several mistresses provides authority.
  5. Psychological complexes . Psychologists talk about polygamy in the modern world as an inferiority complex. "Don Juan", "Casanova" are afraid to build a serious relationship, which means responsibility and polygamy here is a way to prove to others "how I am good and I use success!"

Polygamous men

Male polygamy, according to scientists, is due to the fact that men in percentage terms to women less. According to statistical data, the difference is small (50:52), but boys are born weaker and the mortality among them in infancy is higher than in girls. Polygamy in men - a phenomenon in society carefully supported by a strong half of humanity. Male polygamous traces historians since the Old Testament:

  1. The great king Solomon, according to various sources, had up to 700 wives in a harem.
  2. Artaxerxes II Persian ruler of the Achaemenid dynasty - 336 wives and concubines, 150 children.
  3. Vladimir Krasno Solnyshko - before the adoption of baptism was known as a great libertine and mired in fornication had up to 800 wives.

Polygamous women

Polygamy in women is a less common phenomenon, blamed by modern society and provoking rejection in a person with a European mentality. The concept of female polygamy is associated with impartial epithets in their direction. The main reason, according to anthropologists, is that a woman is looking for a biologically strong male with good genetics of a male for the continuation of the genus, on this path it can replace a sufficient number of partners. Psychologists divided polygamous women into species:

  1. "Snow White" - believes that "quantity is more important than quality." A woman after 30 years, who at one time did not walk up. Practical. In men, he appreciates generosity: gifts, "walking in the light."
  2. "Alpha-females" is often a business lady, a mature lady who chooses partners younger. She can afford to deal with several "youngsters" at once.

Types of polygamy

Polygamy is an adaptive phenomenon peculiar to the animal world, and man, as part of nature, is inclined to follow the manifestation of his instincts. Polygamy is divided into the following types:

  1. Polyandry is a rare form of marriage, where a woman has several husbands. Fraternal polyandry - a girl marries brothers, this marriage allows you to use the land heredity without dividing it. Female polygamousness, as a type of relationship, is practiced in about 50 nationalities and officially legalized in countries:
  • Polygyny is polygamy, common in the eastern countries. A man is not forbidden to have up to 4 spouses, more is allowed only to the ruling elite. In those countries where polygyny is common, most men prefer to have one wife - this is due to economic reasons, not everyone can afford to keep a "big family".
  • Group marriage - several women and men are united in a family, they lead a common farm, they bring up joint children. This form of marriage was preserved in the Marquesas Islands.
  • Polygamy - the pros and cons

    Polygamy from a biological and psychological point of view is attractive to men and has a number of advantages and advantages unlike monogamy, and there are very few shortcomings. What is more in reality? The advantages of polygamy:

    1. The man is confident, surrounded by a halo of mystery. Women intuitively feel the demand for a "male" and this attracts them.
    2. Care, warmth and affection provided by wives or mistresses.
    3. The complexity of choice disappears, when you need to prefer some one companion of life.
    4. The diversity of the gene pool: offspring from different "females" provides a "trace in history".
    5. When parting with one, there remain others.

    Minuses of polygamy:

    Polygamy in Christianity

    Polygamous relations are suppressed by the Christian faith and are considered unacceptable. The Bible is replete with examples of polygamy. Holy Fathers explain this by the fall of man, because God made a monogamous union between Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. The Old Testament is "dazzling" with polygamous relations and only in the New Testament, according to the teachings of the first apostle Paul, marriage is a sacred mystery of two people: "Let the husband cleave to his wife, and the wife to the husband", all the rest is adultery is sin.

    Polygamy in Judaism

    Among the Jews, the phenomenon of polygamy - polygamy was common since antiquity. A few wives could afford only well-off people. Torah - the Holy Scripture of the Jews prescribed to have a second wife in case the first was barren or feeble. In the 11th century, Rabbi Meyer Gershom decreed a 1,000-year decree, which required no more than one wife and a ban on divorce without her consent. Modern Jews for bringing back polygamy in order to correct the demographic situation in Israel, according to them, the 1000-year period has already ended.

    Polygamy in Islam

    Polygamy among Muslims is common and widespread, based on the ancient way of life. Distributed in areas where there are more women. What is polygamy among Muslim peoples:

    The Quran prescribes:

    Polygamy in the modern world

    A polygamous man is an established conviction today, but women do not lag behind a strong half in their desire to find support for themselves and their children, trying on different options for relationships. Polygamy is a personal choice of each person and you can treat it differently: with skepticism and irony, indignation, and you can accept the fact that if in nature it exists, then there are reasons. Men and women who are prone to a monogamous union and who value constancy are not so few, a person always has a choice.