Unrequited love - what to do?

Unrequited love experienced almost every one of us. Usually this is the first love, teenage, but it happens at an older age. But enough to say "I suffer from unrequited love ...", let's better think about what to do about it.

Unrequited love - what to do?

Love is a wonderful feeling, but what if love is unrequited? The first impulse, of course, will be the desire to make this feeling mutual. But did not you already try it? If everything was tried, and the object of lust remained cold, do not think that the matter in our appearance or other shortcomings is not at all. It happens that a man does not pay attention to a completely charming girl, at the feet of which a flock of fans flutters, but finds her happiness with an inconspicuous "gray mouse". Well, it's hard not to fall in love with anyone and not hold, so you'll have to let go of your beloved, and get rid of the feeling of unrequited love. There are several ways how to survive unhappy love, but the main thing that you need to do is to want to cope with this feeling. After all, it brought you nothing but suffering, so it's time to stop them.

How to survive unrequited love?

Once they decided to get rid of unrequited love for a guy, here are a couple of tips on how to do it.

  1. How to cope with unrequited love? Try to forget about the subject of his sighs. But it will be difficult to do this if you constantly face it or with a reminder of it. Therefore, try to meet with him less at work (study). From the house remove everything that could remind - common photos, some things that will remind you of it. For example, once he said that you look wonderful in this blouse, and you brought it to the holes, so that he again looked at you. Enough, you are waiting for a new life, so the blouse to the dump (if you really liked it, buy a similar one, with a new thing, no memories are connected), and with it empty hopes of conquering an unapproachable heart. Also off of his number is from the phone book, so that there is no desire to call him in moments of great sadness.
  2. Unrequited love is often the cause of depression, and psychology recommends combating it with a timetable designed so that you do not have time for reflection, why your love has remained unrequited, what is wrong with you, and why it is so heartless and other meaningless self-interest. What to do with time? Anything - work, a new hobby, entertainment.
  3. What else can you do to cope with unrequited love? Redirect this feeling to yourself. Why should you spend your spiritual strength on someone who does not appreciate it? Love yourself better, make presents, organize entertainment for yourself - buy yourself a long-liked outfit, send yourself to a massage, treat yourself to something delicious, revise your favorite comedy, you can romantic with a happy ending.
  4. Often ladies, wishing to designate a new stage in their life, change the color of hair and hair. Why not use this technique? And you can go even further and not only change the haircut, but also come up with a new image, in accordance with which you will need to pick up clothes, shoes and, of course, master the new manner of painting.
  5. Having suffered a lot from unrequited love, many decide to find solace with another man, often they are not very interesting. Women do this in order to convince themselves that it was not appreciated only by someone whom she could not conquer. This is not necessary, for one simple reason - you are unlikely to find solace in such a relationship, but you will get frustrations with a full spoon, because even the most tender attention of an indifferent person will only remind you with whom you would like such a relationship. So do not rush into the arms of another, just wait a little. Closing at all from men, too, do not need, but let it be for now, it's to nothing non-binding meetings and well spent time together.