Inulin - good and bad

The natural polysaccharide contained in some plants is called inulin - the benefit and harm of this substance have been studied relatively recently. At the moment it is actively used in the food and pharmaceutical industries.

Inulin properties

In fact, the substance under consideration is a prebiotic, since it is the best nutrient medium for beneficial lacto- and bifidobacteria in the intestine.

In addition, the benefit of inulin lies in its ability to lower the level of cholesterol and glucose in the blood, replacing it with natural fructose. Therefore, polysaccharide has a special value for people with type 1 and type 2 diabetes.

Thanks to improved metabolism and improvement of lymphoid tissue, the substance strengthens the immune system, increases resistance to pathogenic microorganisms and viruses.

Other properties:

Inulin preparations

Most often, the products containing the described polysaccharide are biologically active additives. Among them is worth noting:

In addition to high molecular weight inulin, the listed preparations can contain plant fiber, phytoextracts and extracts to enhance the effect.

What is useful inulin in cosmetics?

This substance has many positive effects on the skin:

These properties make it possible to use inulin in the production of both hygienic and decorative natural cosmetics.

Moreover, the substance is very useful for hair, because it effectively moisturizes the scalp, provides additional nutrition to the roots. Inulin quickly restores damage in the hair shaft, prevents cross-section and loss, makes the strands soft and obedient.

Inulin - harm

There is no negative impact on the body. The only reason that inulin-containing drugs may not suit you is the individual intolerance of this polysaccharide.