How to like the guy by correspondence?

In fact, like a guy with virtual communication is much easier than with a real one. And it's not just that, without seeing the interlocutor, we can be more sincere, it's easier to hide our excitement, and may not be the most attractive appearance. And it does not matter where your correspondence goes, at least through paper letters (if, of course, there are still people who write them), even with the help of the World Wide Web. In any case, the principles and rules how to attract and lock up a guy by correspondence remain unchanged, they will be discussed today.

Rule 1. Use all the benefits of correspondence

Let us explain in more detail. In virtual communication, the main advantage is that you can carefully think through your words and even take them back (if you have not yet pressed "Enter"). And that's why you can write and erase your message infinitely many times, until it becomes perfect in your opinion. However, it should be remembered that if you are communicating on-line and both are at that time behind computers, then you can not think long, you risk appearing poorly thinking and a little slowing down. And how in this case can you fall in love with a guy by correspondence? Yes, nothing. Therefore, observe the golden mean.

Rule 2. Be an interesting companion

This is another way how a guy likes the correspondence on the Internet. You have a lot of information at your disposal. And for all that, it's boring to talk about the weather, is not it? Find the topic you are interested in, think about it, but whether it will be as interesting for him and forward as well! Here are a few unsuccessful, and a few good topics for conversation, which can help you like the guy through the Internet. Uninteresting for him topics: the weather, fresh gossip (although what's to hide, guys are also interested, but they will never submit to the mind that they are interested in), fashion and other purely girlish topics. At the same time, guys are easily intrigued by talking about new IT products (if you are weak in this topic - better choose another one), riddles and myths in history, new computer games and so on. You can start a conversation about his hobby, but first you need to get acquainted with at least general concepts from this sphere, otherwise the guy may suspect that you have laid eyes on him and simply flatter him.

Rule 3. Avoid grammatical errors.

Probably, nothing so repels in the process of correspondence as mistakes in the text of the interlocutor's speech. If you know such a "buck", do not be too lazy to check your creations before sending, now quite a few services that provide this service. Pay attention also to the correct arrangement of punctuation marks. Their absence or incorrect arrangement can completely change the essence of your message. Remember the cartoon about the comma: "You can not pardon execution." And illiterate writing is a disrespect to yourself and your companion. Do not make such mistakes.

Rule 4. Do not be obtrusive, be just a friend

You may wonder how, then, to please a guy by correspondence, if he is just a friend? We will answer you this way. The Internet is such a specific place where you can not only easily be interested, but it's just as easy to scare a person away. If you write a guy more than 1 time per day (we do not mean more than 1 message, namely more than 1 conversation), then again the guy can decide that you have views on him. Just imagine that it's like coming to this guy several times a day to chat with him.

Besides, if the guy does not respond to your message, then you can hardly like him if you ask every day "Why do not you answer?" Or "Did you get my message? Why are you silent?". Therefore, the position of a friend by correspondence at first is the most profitable. You made your step, now give the guy the opportunity to conquer you.