Crocosmia - landing and care in the open ground

Crocosmia or montbretia is an ornamental plant, which in its appearance resembles a miniature gladiolus . Therefore, the people it received the name "Japanese gladiolus." Its flowering lasts from the middle of summer to September. The flowers have a yellow or orange-red color.

Crocosmia - planting and care

Reproduction of the crocosmia occurs in three ways:

  1. Corms. Planting of the onions of the crocosmium is carried out to a depth of 10 cm, the distance is kept 10 cm apart. Before this the bulb will be well placed for several hours in a weak solution of potassium permanganate. Planting is recommended to be carried out at the end of April, when the earth warms up sufficiently (up to 6-10 ° C). A place is better to choose open and well lit or partial shade. Soil should be good to let in moisture.
  2. Children. This method is considered the best for reproduction. On an adult plant, 5-6 children are formed every year, which are separated in the spring. Their flowering begins in a year.
  3. Seeds. This method also produces a fairly rapid flowering, usually in the second year after sowing.

Cultivation of the Crocosmia

In the care of the plant is very unpretentious. Watering is enough to spend once a week, the flower well tolerates drought. When the first two leaves are fertilizing with mineral fertilizers every 10 days. When buds begin to form, add potash fertilizers. In order for the crocosium to tolerate the winter well, it is covered with dry leaves or shavings with a layer of 20 cm. Also, a film is applied on top to protect the plant from dampness.

Montbretia has many varieties. One of the most rare and remarkable is the crocosmia mistral. It reaches a height of 80 cm, has beautiful large orange-red flowers. The rules of caring for her are no different from caring for other varieties.

Having mastered how to correctly plant an arbor in the open ground and care for it, you will decorate your garden with this spectacular flower.